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Mac Vs. PC


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My sisters MacBook

...my hp laptop




...aghhgehjdhdbvy!!! Die dragon die!! *completely lost in enjoying Skyrim on my laptop, stupid MacBook left to my sister who is again cursing at it for being a pos wishing her school wasn't so retarded and would at least get Microsoft office for OSX, further cursing she doesn't have enough USB ports or an SD port while I slaughter bandits in blissful gorey violence :D*

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My Macbook pro is going on almost 5 years now and it is running like a champ...



Honestly though you guys give Macs and Apple in general such a hard time. Most of the people who talk crap about Macs or Apple products in general have never owned them.



I was introduced to computers with an Apple product back in the early 90's, an Apple II. Sometime later my family bought a PC, and I was raised more with that. I had to rediscover that Macs and Apple in general make a good product. That kids arguments are stupid yeah I will admit it. I don't think I would ever own a Mac Pro tower or iMac as my primary machine, I love the Macbook Pros though. The design is just so much better than PC notebooks.


If PC manufactures took time in designing a product that doesn't feel like cheap plastic maybe I would reconsider it. My first notebook a HP was bulky and annoying. It died on me litterally a year and a half after i bought it (outside the warranty).



People talk all the time about how Apple is locking crap down and dumbing it down for the users. Well I got news for you, Microsoft has been doing the same thing lol. With OSX you still get a Unix kernel, being able to open up a shell and use Unix commands is nice. Also wtf telnet isn't install be default Microsoft... Microsoft ha been removing a lot of stuff from Windows... Sure theres putty, but why should I have to install something :P



I think a lot of people here just don't work with macs that often which is ok. I just hate people who make opinions about things that they have no experience with. Its like your mom always sad, "don't knock it until you try it".



+100000000000000000000000...I couldn't agree with you more


That is SO true!!!!

Most of these guys are moaning about...I used my friend's mac... that's like me going round giving Linux a bad name..just because I couldn't find my Computer on Desktop!!


I think the level of Mac hate has become a little childish...because ask anyone who learnt how to use CAD...he couldn't find why he wanted when he first turned it on....and you're moaning because you couldn't find where you downloaded your file?....USER ERROR!!!


some of you lot should be called the PCsoldier..and open a youtube channel...as some show the same amount as ignorance..just in the opposite direction


and another +100 for laptops..

I have yet to see a PC laptop the has the design/build quality/sleekness of a Macbook....


that's why I say




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I've used Linux for so long that when I use a Mac I do everything from the command line anyway. All the...sleekness...is lost on me. The lack of hardware options is really what puts me off though I will admit that their laptop hardware is top-notch.

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8.60 LBs with Battery Pack

16.22" (w) x 10.87" (d) x 1.65"~1.79" (h)



It's huge, gets terrible battery life, and it's EXPENSIVE. I'd buy pretty much anything else. Mobile gaming laptops are a waste of money. Period.

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It's cheaper than a 17" Macbook...


And they are only a waste of money unless you're actually, you know, mobile. If you travel a lot they are great. Show me a 17" laptop with better specs for cheaper. It must have a 7970m.

Edited by Coors

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Thats nice for people that use a laptop to go to Starbucks and check their Facebook or to class to write reports/notes. But that prettyness doesn't do squat for people that want a powerful machine for in their hotel or dorm room or when they're actually traveling and a desktop isn't viable.

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I had my cousin get the Sager NP8150 from PowerNotebooks.com last year and had it trimmed wth a i7 2620QM and GTX 485M (underclocked GTX 560Ti equivalent) for his first year at college and he loved it. It's nice 15" laptop with tons of horsepower, plays BF3 @ all Ultra, 1080p no less than 30FPS. Macbooks are overated and nothing but heatsinks sitting on your laptop with that stupid chassis design. I'm considering of getting the 11.6" Sager variant for school and traveling.

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If you're gaming of course you don't want a MacBook. If you aren't, it's plenty powerful for everything else.


they have enough power even for photoshop and music making...only if you want to game..you should go PC...otherwise Mac ROCKS!!! ...lol

but so does PC desktops

Edited by Il_napoletano

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only if you want to game..you should go PC


Also go PC if you don't like overpaying for lesser performing hardware :lol:


The laptop i'm looking at buying will have:


2.3Ghz 3rd gen cpu

AMD 7970m

16GB 1600Mhz ram

2x 750GB 7200rpm hdd


price: $1825


I'll be adding a $240 Crucial M4 256GB and I already have an OS for it so I removed that from the build.


A comparable(lol) MBP has:


2.4Ghz 2nd gen cpu

AMD 6770m

8GB 1333Mhz ram

1x 750GB 7200rpm hdd


price $2749



Ok so now...which one is the waste of money? :rofl:

Edited by Coors

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