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Watercooling Meltdown


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I don't see why you'd shut off your thermal throttling...if you have temps high enough for it to be a problem you shouldn't be clocking that high. You should ALWAYS have a shutdown temperature even if you turn off throttling.



Anyway - do you have a list of parts? I may be interested in a few of them.



EDIT: If it's just distilled why is it green? You running additives?

Edited by Waco

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I don't know why it was off. I never really looked for a shutdown temp option, in fact i can't remember seeing one but i'm sure it was turned off with the rest of the options.


For it being green i added the little bottle that suppose to stop stuff from growing and corrosion but it's 90% distilled water. I hope that stuff doesn't have a residue when dry.


As for parts, i'm still working on deciding what was the cause, cost to fix and or worth it to switch to 2011. If my Quadro is ruined i'm gonna be pissed for months.

Edited by hornybluecow

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If it was just distilled water I'm willing to bet most of your parts will be fine, especially considering how quickly you got the power turned off. I've had an entire beer spilled into the top of one of my machines, which still ran perfectly fine after the incident. :P

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I would let the system sit for a couple of days before trying to power anything on. Make sure everything is completely dry, if it were me, I would also use the air compressor after I thought everything was dry!

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