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E8400 vs Q9300

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Since that's the highest multiplier you can use I'm going to be you're being limited by your motherboard at this point. You could try increasing your northbridge (MCH voltage in your pic, I think) a few notches to see if that helps stability at higher FSBs.

Its harder on the NB with a quad because there are two dies in the CPU package. It won't decrease life as long as you keep the voltage reasonable and have decent cooling on the mobo.

:withstupid: Figured his NB voltage was untouched!

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I have the exact same motherboard. That thing leaks voltage like nobodies business.


I have had mine at 1.45v and it stays at 1.32v at load always. I have it at 1.4v now, but it's still reading 1.32v

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Q9300 will perform better than E8400...


Rapid posting only to increase post count & change in the topic of discussion in any thread with time sometimes create problem like this. :P

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is + 0.2V alot? on the NB...


and what does increasing the fsb V do?


as even with that it still doesn't get past the win logo

+0.2 is quite a bit. I would have suggested starting with +0.1v.


It may be that your chip just doesn't clock all that well - or your motherboard just can't push high FSB with a quad. Either way, a 3.3 GHz quad is still very much an upgrade over your 4 GHz dual core for most things including newer games.

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+0.2 is quite a bit. I would have suggested starting with +0.1v.


It may be that your chip just doesn't clock all that well - or your motherboard just can't push high FSB with a quad. Either way, a 3.3 GHz quad is still very much an upgrade over your 4 GHz dual core for most things including newer games.


yeah...i did start with +0.1 then i tried +0.2 but it didn't do anything..so I put it back to stock(voltages) and decided to call it a day


so tomorrow i'll start decreasing my Vcore..and then just stay with 3.33ghz..

because I said to myself that i won't stop trying until it can beat my stock e8400 in Super PI..and luckily the .03ghz did it....:D


and I get almost double on rendering in CINEbench...

so now I think I'm going to stay with the q9300...


and once again....thanks everyone for their input....even if some people gave it a bit late (alisha) :lol:

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