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What do you think of this rig?

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no it's my cousin's...he asked me to post it to see what you guys think...I've got an E8400 @4.1Ghz DDR2....but would like to upgrade


wait for ivy bridge and the kepler graphics cards. The 7950 is just a freaking joke in price. The GTX 760ti is reported to be 350 USD. Otherwise, yes, the i5 2500K and a good solid Asus board and some good corsair or mushkin ram and you should be all set.

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wait for ivy bridge and the kepler graphics cards. The 7950 is just a freaking joke in price. The GTX 760ti is reported to be 350 USD. Otherwise, yes, the i5 2500K and a good solid Asus board and some good corsair or mushkin ram and you should be all set.




Release of kepler gpus will also bring the price of 7xxx cards down.

Edited by d6bmg

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why are you looking at a 3 year old system to replace your 3 year old system?

i would be much wiser to be looking into a 1155 socket system if you are buying new stuff...


I just looking around at the moment to see whats best , performance and price wise...but I won't be upgrading until at least a couple if months...

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7950 is better performance for price than 7970 and 580.


7950 is better performance than 580


7970 is better performance than 7950 but I am really not seeing why it has a premium so much higher than the 7950


Prices of both suck in aus but the 7950 I would want is $200 cheaper than the counterpart 7970 I looked at. Now I need time and waterblocks to be released.


Cf 7950 for $1100 + 300 waterblock vs single 7950 for $750 + 150 waterblock

I will more happily pay the 1400 than the 900 and just ditch the SSD that was going to go in my laptop.


Edit: wrong thread, stupid phone tiered eyes :pfp:


Although the point of comparison between 7950 and 7970 remains the 7970 for its current performance boost warrants at best imho a $50-60 increase on the 7950. Not the 100 or so in the states and the sometimes 200 plus in other countries.

Edited by Stonerboy779

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