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Reasons for piracy


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Any Bill Maher fans in here I wonder? Well Bill Maher finally touched on the SOPA issue the other day, any guesses as to which side he is on?


Take a look if you're interested, video at the bottom of the article, Bill Maher on SOPA.


Edit: Also, the whole "theft" argument is kind of dead by now don't you think guys? I mean what's wrong with being a thief anyway? Robin Hood was a thief and he's the hero in children's books. :teehee:

Edited by Deathmineral

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This again?


Theft implies that someone is deprived of something. Hypothetically, if I downloaded something, who am I depriving of what?


Now, how about you stop bringing theft into a discussion that does not involve it? :)

how about a definition of property?


a. Something owned; a possession.

b. A piece of real estate: has a swimming pool on the property.

c. Something tangible or intangible to which its owner has legal title: properties such as copyrights and trademarks.

d. Possessions considered as a group.

2. The right of ownership; title.

3. An article, except costumes and scenery, that appears on the stage or on screen during a dramatic performance


Even your example of embezzlement isn't stealing something physical these days.

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Peer pressure doesn't work on the internet, when is the last time you got together with your friends on the internet and was able to encourage someone to think the same way as you? Most likely never because people don't go onto the internet to be like other people, to go onto the internet to be themselves.

Really I thought people only went on the internet to be douchebags while under the cloak of anonymity :P


So I got thinking about something due to this thread and a recent discussion I had with a friend. In the discussion, my friend asks me "Why do pirates upload all of this material? What do they get out of it?" Well, I explained it to him, or at least what I knew at the time, but it got me thinking, is there more to it than that? So I started looking it up, mostly the idea that piracy is profitable, as that is the note my friend kept touching on, he couldn't quite understand why anyone would do anything where they had nothing to gain.


Well it didn't take long to find what I wanted, and it's quite an in depth and well detailed look at this particular part of piracy. Who profits from piracy? goes into great detail about this matter, though I can't say I like the bias attitude of it, it is however very well done and informative. Definitely recommend checking that out, either reading the full article, or if you'd prefer a summary, just watch the first video, with the pirate picture.


Although this does go into great detail about all this, it still didn't provide the information that I'm looking for sadly. What I'm actually trying to figure out is if the people that upload torrents make any profit from their torrents, to the best of my knowledge, only the index sites(like the The Pirate Bay) are making profit from them, but the actual uploader, the guy ripping a movie or cracking a game isn't making any money from it. As someone who has actually uploaded torrents myself, I've never seen any way for that kind of pirate to profit, the only possible thing I can think of is that they link to their website in a readme file and they have ads on their site, but most of the major rippers/crackers never have anything like this.

some image hosting sites have ads on them that from memory give money to the uploader of the image per view or click or something to that extent. so if someone uploads a screenshot of film in their torrent and someone clicks it i believe that can generate them revenue. I could be wrong i'm not entirely certain.


i agree with you it is a very interesting question to see why people upload. why do razor1911, SKIDROW and RELOADED crack & upload games?


i remember reading this article a quite some time ago as to thy aXXo (a notorious film uploader)

TorrentFreak: What motivates you to share these movies?

aXXo: Why not? If I see a great film I believe everyone has the right to be entertained by it.


TorrentFreak: Do you think that distributing these (copyrighted) movies is morally wrong? That is, do you consider sharing shows to be the same as stealing?

aXXo: Thank god in this country we don’t believe in copyright infringement. It’s just sharing entertainment, nothing more.

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I agree with Ed on some things, but for games you already own but can no longer use due to things like broken discs or Microsofts inability to properly cool its products, I believe is perfectly fine to do so


I partially agree with you on that one Mucho. However, the broken discs are your own fault, though I can see what you mean. The Xbox problem is their own darn fault. And if the publishers of the game find that unfair, they should force Microsoft to do a better job or only release on PS3 and PC. Or maybe only PC, cause that's the only media you want to play games on. (You know it's true, so don't try accuse me :happy: )

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This is just my opinion on the subject.


Piracy and stealing are no temptation to me.

Things that I did not work for myself have no value to me.

An open cash register drawer with no one looking does not interest me.

To use for myself something that someone else worked for only makes me ineffective.

I would not use anything form you guys without your consent because it has no value to me until you give it, you worked for it and should receive all glory from it, and I would pay you for it, because you deserve it.


John Galt said "I swear -- by my life and my love for it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."


I am not perfect by any means... I have "sined" in this area many times in the past, I can give and do not attempt to justify my actions... they were wrong.


But I have not given up on giving every man his choice and the opportunity to benefit from his on work.


The pessimist says “The glass is half empty”

The optimist says “The glass is half full”

The objectivist says “I am still thirsty”

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