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Can someone let me know if i am crazy...

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I had originally planned on using a Fractal Design Refine XL case for my next build as it had a lot of things I liked but after thinking long and hard about what i wanted and even getting the help of ComputerEd here with some internal dimensions I came to the Silverstone Fortress FT02. I kept coming back to it.


So I sat down with some grid paper and a felt tip and got to designing and double and triple checking dimensions and well here it is.




What are your opinions?


Silverstone 1200watt gold

RX120s and RX480

Laing D5

Scythe gentle typhoon 1400rpm (still not sure)

Whatever blocks are made for 6950/70 (here is hoping it is no longer than a 6970 or only 5mm at most because I know that will fit)

Tubing, water... blagh, blagh, blagh ect.

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Yes, yes you are crazy. :P Oh wait, you want something constructive.. well...



I think the amount of rads may be a bit much for that case, depending on what fans you get if you decide against the 1400RPM Gentle Typhoons. The 7950/70 shouldn't be a huge issue clearance wise since I can't imagine it being all that much longer than the current 6970.


If you get some really flexible tubing you should have an easier time with all those rads, but that may require smaller tubing as well to get the flexibility. I can see it working, but again, I keep thinking about all those rads and how it may be a bit too much.

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Yes, yes you are crazy. :P Oh wait, you want something constructive.. well...



I think the amount of rads may be a bit much for that case, depending on what fans you get if you decide against the 1400RPM Gentle Typhoons. The 7950/70 shouldn't be a huge issue clearance wise since I can't imagine it being all that much longer than the current 6970.


If you get some really flexible tubing you should have an easier time with all those rads, but that may require smaller tubing as well to get the flexibility. I can see it working, but again, I keep thinking about all those rads and how it may be a bit too much.

It may be too many but right angle and 30 degree fittings will become my friend I may add a second pump and will first see if I can go 1/2" then 3/8" if it wont work.


At the end surface are is surface area and the more the better.... Provided rate of flow isnt sacrificed too much :-/ but 1-2 d5s in series should cope with low restriction blocks and rads. And low fpi rads for decent and fairly quiet air flow.


Ducting will be needed for the hdds if mounted/suspended in 5.25" bays.


Other question, besides being crazy, window or no? I am not sure.

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I'd go for a window, but that is just me.


The SSDs I wouldn't be worried about in the 5.25" bays, but the regular HDDs will need the ducting for sure.


See, rate of flow is what I think may be hindered by having the rads stacked like that. If you get a fan with high enough airflow and/or static pressure to sit between them, it should work out better. Still, I'd do some tests first, either on your own or by someone who has the same or similar rads to what you'll be getting.

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I'd go for a window, but that is just me.


The SSDs I wouldn't be worried about in the 5.25" bays, but the regular HDDs will need the ducting for sure.


See, rate of flow is what I think may be hindered by having the rads stacked like that. If you get a fan with high enough airflow and/or static pressure to sit between them, it should work out better. Still, I'd do some tests first, either on your own or by someone who has the same or similar rads to what you'll be getting.



I think I got that covered :lol: it's not the air worrying me the 8 fpi and yes I measured myself and it is allows for plenty of airflow, a tube on every cm increment too which are hopefully going to offer enough waterflow for my liking. I have tested although not completely finished testing to my liking :biggrin:

Really need to sort out water flow.

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Honestly I think you have too many radiators there for the system at hand. NY system has a pair of gtx480s, a i7 950 and is only running with a push pull of 1700 rpm fans and a xspc ex360.... it cools pretty well and I never see water temps much over 90' with everything under occt powersupply test load. I have considered adding a ex120 or ex140 to the back fan but no more then that. I think you could drop the radiator from the top of the case and it would still perform well. With that rx480 there you could possibly get away with using Just it. If you must have the extra 120 dad's Then I would go with the ex rather then the rx for clearence. Then you could add a second set of fans the the rx480 if you wanted too.


My thoughts. Boinker.


P.s. yes this is over the top and crazy. But you will be better of with the silverstone case.

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Stacking the radiators like that drops efficiency like crazy (since cooling water with warmer air isn't ideal and it slows air flow). I'd probably skip the extra 120 mm rads at the bottom.

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