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Can't believe I didn't see this! I got my Dell at work for a reasonable price (because I didn't pay for it) and it has pretty comparable specs to the one you ended up purchasing. Only difference is my double batteries for 110kWh or about 18 hours of charge on the sandy bridge CPU. It's awesome. Plus, it plays CS:S at 80fps which ain't bad for integrated graphics lol


Looks like you got yourself a nice little laptop there!

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Probably just Crysis performance! I love the editor in that :lol:

I suppose I could try, would you want it at max everything 1080p or dialed down to what's playable??


Can't believe I didn't see this! I got my Dell at work for a reasonable price (because I didn't pay for it) and it has pretty comparable specs to the one you ended up purchasing. Only difference is my double batteries for 110kWh or about 18 hours of charge on the sandy bridge CPU. It's awesome. Plus, it plays CS:S at 80fps which ain't bad for integrated graphics lol


Looks like you got yourself a nice little laptop there!

DO WANT, What model is it? Specs plz!


Thanks, I'll let you know how I like it.


Where did you get 110kwh batteries? That's insane specs.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok so the computer FINALLY arrived on Tuesday, I went to go install windows on it via usb and after much frustration and reboots it finally did. (my old laptop worked first try when i tried it just to make sure the usb stick was setup right).


Installed windows fine, booted up. Went to their website for drivers and all there was there was this page: http://www.cyberpowerpc.com/support/drivers.aspx (really effin useful guys :angry: ). After some searching I found out my laptop had a Pegatron (yeah I've never heard of them either, but seems to be some crappy russian brand) motherboard which google found nothing for drivers. I settled on the driver disc that came with it, it had a little simple auto installer which i let do it's thing and it worked pretty good but still I was SOL on updates for anything other than the graphics card.


After all the drivers installed I rebooted....that's when the thing started boot looping like crazy. I pulled the memory and tried each stick it both slots to no avail, tried my harddrive from my old laptop to no avail, tried it's harddrive in my old laptop and it booted just fine. So I think the thing just up and crapped out, I'm going to email their customer service if I can't get a hold of them on the phone but I am PRETTY pissed off at CyberPowerPC and will most likely return the laptop and never EVER recommend them to anyone looking for a laptop (even though I heard good things about their custom desktops). I should have gotten the ASUS :wacko: , I'm such a dummy for trying an off brand but you live and you learn, my punishment is I'll have no laptop at work since I'll be wiping this and then getting it ready for to give to my girlfriends mom to gift to her sister.


I'm so stressed out right now because this really threw a wrench into my plans, especially because it came so late and I can't coast on my trusty Sager until I resolve this :angry:

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Oh and I forgot to mention that there must be no vibration dampeners whatsoever for the optical drive because when it spooled up to it's max speed the laptop sounds like a chainsaw tearing through a thick tree trunk, if I put a good amount of pressure on the laptop casing above the drive it became respectably quiet but as soon as I let go the chainsaw was back. That was strike 1, strike 2 was the boot looping (as well as the poor driver support for individual models of their products)


Looks like their phone support people don't feel like answering so I'll be emailing them, if I have to return the laptop for service then they're going to keep it and I'm going to take advantage of their 30 "No questions asked" refund policy, though of course I'll be out whatever money it takes to ship the POS back

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That sucks mythos I can say that my new dv6-6024 is amazing. Pretty quiet even when cpu fan is going and relatively cool I wil be getting the cm u3 stand for it tho and the SSD which will drastically reduce temps and inverter battery.


Although still waiting on the larger capacity battery to.come in stock :/


That looked like a good laptop you found but these problems are ridiculous.

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I'll see if they can help while it's here but if I have to send it back, it's for good. I'll probably get a Llano machine, the battery life didn't seem all that terribly different from my current laptop in the time I used it. Sure it will be stronger but I want battery life!

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