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AMD FX-8120


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She has an Athlon 2 640 on a Gigabyte 990XA UD3 board.

4gb of ram, HD 5770 1tb WD and so on.


The reason I was thinking of getting a better CPU because she deserves it and if she had a more powerful cpu I would recommend a different set of games for her to play.

This all being said the next upgrade may be towards a newer graphics card.




It says its a X6 cpu in reality? maybe try unlocking?

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+1 If you did a real world test then this good advice.


We have actually done some testing on quite a few different MMOs and saw the same results across the baord, the FX really lags. However let me clear about something the lag is not meaning the same thing as cannot play. In the case of Champions online using a 5950 with 1080 resolution and detail level maxed out in game the FX was pulling from around 57 FPS to about 61 FPS. This is VERY playable however the i5 2500K was pulling around 77-80 FPS with the same setup (actually slower ram 1600 vs 1866). That extra headroom is not needed for a great gaming experience but nice to have just in case. In the case of WoW the difference was even higher with the FX seeing around 70 FPS and the i5 hitting around 95 FPS.


To varying degress we saw this repeated in LOTRO, DDO, STO and a few we are doing beta testing with.


I will be discussing these results a lot more during my show Sunday.

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Won't happen.


@Gab: WOW is a pretty old game... thus it will perform better on CPUs with better single-thread performance. But any recent processor should yield framerates way over what's required...


What does she have now?


Just because WoW is old doesnt mean they haven't made massive changes to the engine with the xpac's. WoW is a no joke game still, it can play on a low end system just fine. But its max settings really need some decent mid-high end hardware... GPU is one thing, but WoW REALLY like's its CPU. It actively used 4 threads at any given time, and in 25-man raids ive seen all 8 threads doing something before, but i am one of those people with 17 chrome tabs open, Vent, music, and a bunch of other crap in the background. So i dont know if the game is using more than 4 threads or not, but it definitely will use 4 cores no problem. Anything beoynd that is gravy, its nice to have 6-core or more and be able to have 4 cores dedicated to the game, while the rest can easily run whatever else you got going on. And Im sure it wont be too far into the future when all games are using 8 threads.


IMO, Never upgrade for the here and now, upgrade for what you want to be doing next year. I think Bulldozer will be a fine choice, but a 1055t/1090t would be a great option as well too! Maybe wait a month for some price drops across the board too.

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Just because WoW is old doesnt mean they haven't made massive changes to the engine with the xpac's. WoW is a no joke game still, it can play on a low end system just fine. But its max settings really need some decent mid-high end hardware... GPU is one thing, but WoW REALLY like's its CPU. It actively used 4 threads at any given time, and in 25-man raids ive seen all 8 threads doing something before, but i am one of those people with 17 chrome tabs open, Vent, music, and a bunch of other crap in the background. So i dont know if the game is using more than 4 threads or not, but it definitely will use 4 cores no problem. Anything beoynd that is gravy, its nice to have 6-core or more and be able to have 4 cores dedicated to the game, while the rest can easily run whatever else you got going on. And Im sure it wont be too far into the future when all games are using 8 threads.


IMO, Never upgrade for the here and now, upgrade for what you want to be doing next year. I think Bulldozer will be a fine choice, but a 1055t/1090t would be a great option as well too! Maybe wait a month for some price drops across the board too.


My thoughts exactly, she is the kind of player who needs a few chrome tabs + vent + 5 add ons all that and she does raids and she loves to crank up the graphics. I will wait for a high clock 8 core to be in stock or I will wait for the black editions to come out and that will definitely push down the prices of the 8150.

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My thoughts exactly, she is the kind of player who needs a few chrome tabs + vent + 5 add ons all that and she does raids and she loves to crank up the graphics. I will wait for a high clock 8 core to be in stock or I will wait for the black editions to come out and that will definitely push down the prices of the 8150.


There will not be a "black editions" becuase all FX processors are unlocked.

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There will not be a "black editions" becuase all FX processors are unlocked.

Yup, even the 4 and 6 core versions are unlocked (earlier called black edition), so the 8120 and 8150 are unlocked, so buy a 8120 when released and bump it up to (or a little past) the 8150 and you are golden. They are supposed to be even better in windows 8.

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Yup, even the 4 and 6 core versions are unlocked (earlier called black edition), so the 8120 and 8150 are unlocked, so buy a 8120 when released and bump it up to (or a little past) the 8150 and you are golden. They are supposed to be even better in windows 8.

The 8120 is already out. Why do you keep saying the 8150 is the only CPU they've released?

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The 8120 is already out. Why do you keep saying the 8150 is the only CPU they've released?

because i had the wrong information. somwhere somehow i read that only the 8150 was in production right now... maybe i was tired...


Which one is supposed to be locked?

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I was thinking of picking up a AMD FX-8120 for my wife's PC. She mostly plays wow and other PC games. Maybe if she had this she would get a more CPU intense game but she does have a processor bottle neck right now.


Should I, buy this relatively low clocked 8 core or wait for a really high clocked quad. I am not overclocking her rig BTW because of recent power bills :blink:


Not sure what all her hardware is .. but i would not go more then 4 cores for just WoW.


In Fact I would get the 980,975,970 or 965 (ea is cheaper & and all them are BE) if you are just needing somthing for wow .. .. If you really want too save money get the x3 720 and unlock its 4th core (however its better too spend the money and get a x4)


Now with all that money you saved .. if she does not have a 64bit OS with more then 4gbs of ram get that. .. if she has that get her A SSD just for wow will help with load time on zones and all the addon you run .. really really helpful



I have A 965 BE @ 4.0 and 2x 69XXs .. 1920x1200 ..everything maxed .. i get like 100 - 200 fps .. (depends on where I am) ... i would say -45% of that if I only run one 6970.


Should note: for the SSD she will have to reinstall WoW and all the addons .. thats a pain in the butt but worth it.

and rigth now at newegg.


970BE = 139.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103894

60Gb SSD = 109.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148441

Total = 249.98 and will add FPS plus wicked fast loads .. I am 100% sure this would be better then the 8120/8150

Edited by neko77025

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