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Apple's new proposed powerhouse


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I'm not a big Apple fan but I'm very interested to see how this turns out, speaking specifically about the performance scaling of the platform.


What do you all think??


Naturally I want to see how much each individual unit costs...I mean it does have a 6970M graphics card per unit, and it's an Apple product so I don't have the best of hopes...

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They said the PC is dying. :nyea: So I stop reading at that point.

lmao, read on. They'll always think PC is dying, even if this scales as well as they plan for it. I don't see it being cost effective since it's Apple anyway

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It will be great for those that do not want to make any form of descion about their hardware and software. Those that would rather be spoonfed updates and recomendations of getting the next apple product.


I would hate it, I dislike be forced to conform to something. I like to be able to customize, change, modify, improve and update what I will, with what I want. Even if I don't do some sort of change to something I get, I like to know that shoiuld I pull it apart to modify it that I can not that I have to be forced to keep it as is. Probably why I dislike console gaming a little, and why I hacked the hell out of my xbox (not 360), will be doing the same with my 360 when I get time.


The only things I would consider from apple in what i forsee as the future is: a new ipod touch when mine dies hopefully not for a few years yet, a multitouch pad hacked for windows use and some of their monitors if there are any for reasonable prices (although I will probably end up choosing a 3840x1440 24" ips monitor when they come available with that res.

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I don't see it working even if they do make it, because as much as apple likes to brag about Thunderbolt, it barely has the bandwidth to power an external graphics card. Unless they daisy chain about 5 Lightpeak connectors they aren't going to have the bandwidth to make it modular.

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PCs are getting this small currently...or rather working towards being that small.


I am sure it will catch on but the PC isnt going to completely die and it isnt going to be via the hand of Apple. Regardless I do like big towers but for 24/7 surfers I build the smallest economical box I can which in todays world is mini-itx

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LOL, i love to read ignorant opinionated comments. :popcorn:


Its an interesting concept. Definitely got some good points but in general my opinion would be that if you need that expandability buy a pc. Buy 1 unit and add more ram, cpu power, gpu power as you need it rather than another complete unit.

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Aren't, aren't Macs just another form of the PC? I mean, a PC stands for Personal Computer, and that is what a Mac is. A personal computer. So, aren't they really saying how their own product will die?

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That's pretty funny, the idea of apple entering the server market! If they made it so that 2 computers could be connected and work together on your average application and or game I'd be impressed. Other wise I'll laugh.

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