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Need help with my new RIG

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Hay all you Kick ### People!! oky so a few days ago i bought myself a new rig!! here is the specs


Coolermaster HAF922

ASUS P8P67 Pro B3

8GB corsair Dominator DDR3 RAM

Core i7 2600 (NOT THE "K" EDITION) :(

2x MSI NVIDIA GTX560 Ti (in SLI)

Seagate Barracuda 1TB

2x Seagate Barracuda 500GB

corsair gs700 (700w PSU)

and the coolermaster V8 cooler!!


oky so here is my problem.....


i know that the 2600 isn't the overclockeble edition.... but im shor i should be abel to push it to 4GHz do you guys think this is possible??


a nother thing is i want to overclock my GPU's as well but dont know to what i would be able to push them...... im using MSI Aftrburner to overclock the GPU....


any help is welcome!! thanks...


peace out SMOKEY :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Pushing the non "K" version of the i7 2600 to 4.0Ghz IS NOT possible. You don't have an adjustable cpu multiplier on the standard i7 2600. So your only option is adjusting the base clock and socket 1155 doesn't like that much. You might get 1-3Mhz out of it before it poops. So essentially you are stuck at stock clocks when using the non "K" versions of the socket 1155 i5 and i7 cpus.

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Pushing the non "K" version of the i7 2600 to 4.0Ghz IS NOT possible. You don't have an adjustable cpu multiplier on the standard i7 2600. So your only option is adjusting the base clock and socket 1155 doesn't like that much. You might get 1-3Mhz out of it before it poops. So essentially you are stuck at stock clocks when using the non "K" versions of the socket 1155 i5 and i7 cpus.



AWWW that sucks!! o well atleest its fast ang runs all my games!! :dunno:

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o one more thing...... what the hell is this and for what do i use it??? i got like 3 of them with each GPUpost-77307-0-15370600-1314211147_thumb.jpg


If you haven't found yourself needing it there's no reason to question :))

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o one more thing...... what the hell is this and for what do i use it??? i got like 3 of them with each GPUpost-77307-0-15370600-1314211147_thumb.jpg


Those are extension cables for the voltage check points on the PCB to make them easily accessible.

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o one more thing...... what the hell is this and for what do i use it??? i got like 3 of them with each GPUv_check.jpg

You'll find a header on the board to plug the extensions into. See your owner's manual. These handy mini-leads make it easy to check true voltages using a multimeter.


If you haven't found yourself needing it :))


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Sorry but ya can't OC it if it's not the K series (no 'pushing'... that is also known as 'overclocking' ;) )


Good news is that CPU will use its turbo boost to get you up to 3.8GHz when you need it, and for gaming and multitasking that is more than enough for most people. Should still be a solid rig!

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Hay all you Kick ### People!! oky so a few days ago i bought myself a new rig!! here is the specs


Coolermaster HAF922

ASUS P8P67 Pro B3

8GB corsair Dominator DDR3 RAM

Core i7 2600 (NOT THE "K" EDITION) :(

2x MSI NVIDIA GTX560 Ti (in SLI)

Seagate Barracuda 1TB

2x Seagate Barracuda 500GB

corsair gs700 (700w PSU)

and the coolermaster V8 cooler!!


oky so here is my problem.....


i know that the 2600 isn't the overclockeble edition.... but im shor i should be abel to push it to 4GHz do you guys think this is possible??


a nother thing is i want to overclock my GPU's as well but dont know to what i would be able to push them...... im using MSI Aftrburner to overclock the GPU....


any help is welcome!! thanks...


peace out SMOKEY :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

how you liking those 560 ti in sli

I've got two evga 560 ti's but I've got the 2600k @ 4.8

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Wevsspot said it. The only way is through the BCLK. You'll only be able to squeeze a couple of mhz. Try 105. That will get you close to 4ghz.

Edited by l1o2l

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If the multiplier is locked at 32 then that will only move you to. 3.36ghz outside of Turbo. 160mhz is not worth that at all. If it was 400 or more MHz then that would be great but its not worth it.


That is 3.99 under Turbo though

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