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Antec h2o 920 vs hiper 212+

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that is amazing, I didnt know today was monday


like I said, if you think a 40$ kit doesnt compare to the antec you better go back and do some more reading

however, if you already decided on ordering a full water kit, good for you

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maybe u should do the reading champ...


the closest cooler by temps is the Frio.. $90 a mere 2 degrees separation though but moving on to the Delta reading which is far more accurate..


closest air cooler here is noctua nh-c14... that costs 109... and the difference between them is 4 degrees


the D14 which is 108 and a highly rated air cooler is about 8 degrees hotter and a fair way down the list


oh look i found a 40$ cooler.. the TX3.. which is also a really good cooler especially for the coin u pay for it .. 30 in this country... 17 degrees hotter??? yup i can see the value ur talking about mate...


do some research before u say silly things like comparing 40 coolers to water units..

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maybe u should do the reading champ...


the closest cooler by temps is the Frio.. $90 a mere 2 degrees separation though but moving on to the Delta reading which is far more accurate..


closest air cooler here is noctua nh-c14... that costs 109... and the difference between them is 4 degrees


the D14 which is 108 and a highly rated air cooler is about 8 degrees hotter and a fair way down the list


oh look i found a 40$ cooler.. the TX3.. which is also a really good cooler especially for the coin u pay for it .. 30 in this country... 17 degrees hotter??? yup i can see the value ur talking about mate...


do some research before u say silly things like comparing 40 coolers to water units..


At higher voltages, there is not a 2 degree separation between the 212 and the C-14 or D14. The Noctua D-14 can be had for $80-$85US too.

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You're overclocked to 4.2ghz already, and that's likely not far from the chip's max. The better cooler wouldn't net you appreciably better overclocks.


The money would be better spent on an SSD or something that you'll actually see a difference with :P


i will +1 to that hey +5

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im not in the usa.. and im not compaing the 212 lol im pretty sure the c14 and d14 waste my 212+ hahahah thats just the antec 920 review that i posted.. showing that the d14 and c14 come very close to the performance of the 920 water cooler :P and that they dont cost $40 coz u just cant compare a $40 cooler with a $100 cooler..

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If you want extreme why don't you have a gulftown chip, did you see any worthwhile increase in productivity/gaming going from 4ghz to 4.2?? If not then run 4ghz and enjoy life lol.


I mean think about it mathematically, do you really want a 22% increase in temperatures, causing the chip to be deemed "unsafe" for a 5% increase in clockspeed that may not even equate to 5% of real life performance boost

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i saw a lil gain.. like u said though it was minimal.. ive had it to 4.4ghz but it was too hot so i shut it down quickly.. far too high for a budget cooler.. it can go much higher.. im not willing to go to LN2 but the guys who have, have gone past 6ghz on it lol so it clocks fine hahahaha just want cooler temps which is what ive been saying all throughout the thread.. cooler temps..

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If you want to get 5GHz on SB (or even BD)(and its most likely Matty would want to get up there) then you WILL need a custom WC setup . My temps are around 55C at 16C ambiant and in summer it should get to around 28 which means the CPU will be at around 67C .

Matty you wont be sorry you went custom . I went from an H70 which is just under the performance of the 920 and I got from 75C-80C prime load down to a solid 55C prime load which is a good 20C-25C drop between the coolers .

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u know me well sunshine and i know u have tried both setups.. thats y i will take ur advice and go for that rasa kit but im gonna go with the RX instead.. thicker.. itll have to cool the gpus as well.. so ill double up on the rads :P

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If you want to cool both the 580's then why not do this ??


RX360 on top of the HAF932 and then RX120 on the back ?? Would cool the cpu and gpu's well

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