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Windows 8 UI


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ya, just what I want for my $1000+ desktop, an interface that is worse than my phone. dry.gif





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ya, just what I want for my $1000+ desktop, an interface that is worse than my phone. dry.gif


<- not happy.





Good call. Im not that paranoid yet until we actually see the PC version of the OS. Why would anyone think that a Phone OS would be the same as a PC OS... do we really put Microsoft that low?

Im hoping, since the Port is seemingly that versatile, that we will see a smaller, cleaner OS for the PC, one with a smaller footprint.

Its just a wait and see proposition to me at this point.


To some of the other comments. Many times users dont want to switch up to a new OS when the one they have is working fine. The Cost of a new OS isnt the only factor. A new OS means new problems and fixes and guess who is the real guinee pig? By the time Microsoft has ironed out all the bugs in an OS they are pitching a new one.

They really only want our money. Its not like buying a car when a car will actually wear out and cost you money to fix/maintain. When an OS is perfected you can pretty much maintain its working with realatively little maintenace and almost no cost at all. We are just paying for the present and future of Microsoft. The 800lb Geek on the block!

Edited by Kwok

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Apps Apps Apps <--- Blinking neon sign


I think I'll just stick to my sidebar gadgets, so I can stay on the desktop than some Start Page. It seems like its more designed for handheld than a desktop.


Perhaps to provide some consistency between their platforms like what Apple has with its iOS devices, share all the same UI. Teach them one device and they can use them all.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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To some of the other comments. Many times users dont want to switch up to a new OS when the one they have is working fine. The Cost of a new OS isnt the only factor. A new OS means new problems and fixes and guess who is the real guinee pig? By the time Microsoft has ironed out all the bugs in an OS they are pitching a new one.

They really only want our money. Its not like buying a car when a car will actually wear out and cost you money to fix/maintain. When an OS is perfected you can pretty much maintain its working with realatively little maintenace and almost no cost at all. We are just paying for the present and future of Microsoft. The 800lb Geek on the block!


I don't think that is a very good example for two reasons. One, most cars have issues because of shoddy work on the part itself or the installation. Most items manufactured for vehicles aren't even made to last the life of the vehicle, it's so car companies keep people buying new cars or paying for work. And two, computers still need maintenance in the OS and there are times when hardware will fail. Give someone a computer that doesn't know how to use registry cleaners, disk defrags, organizing, etc, and two years later it's bogged down like crazy because nothing was done.


Anyway, I love to upgrade to the newest stuff. But one thing I really dislike about this new stuff is all the "apps" talk. Us in the computer world have been using "apps" for years, like someone before this post said, they are called programs! This is nothing new.


I can see why they want to make the OS simpler, it's so more people can use it easily. Well us enthusiasts don't need something dumbed down. Give us what we want, too!

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Why I dont' like it.


1.I don't want to run a "Windows Mobile" type OS on my 1000 dollar PC

2. It looks to user friendly. (which means it lacks depth)


4.It's tablet software

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Bluntly put. That is a portable device os. If that is one of my choices when i end up upgrading from w7 i will be going exclusively linux.

All those flicks of his thumb, those wont work with a mouse. And if they do they wont be near as precise. 1in wide thumb vs. 5px(idk) mouse pointer. Mouse wins.

They cant seriously imagine everyone will exclusively want a portable like user experience. The only thing in my experience i can compare that to is iOS, and even iOS has a somewhat desktop main interface.......

Summary of rant: If they follow this design path i think they will lose allot of serious use users.

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