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Unstable, yet stable?

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8-10 hours is a good start. The way I find 100% stability is to loop 3DMark 06 and run Prime 95 with the custom test setting so that you hit all of the tests not just the CPU or memory tests. There is a difference between CPU stable and 3D stable. It usually means that one of the subsystems is not entirely there and you need to either tweak the voltages, memory sub timings or lower the clock speeds.


I find 24 hours of prime a good test since it is a long term test that will increase the temperature of all the components in the chassis to the failure point. Airflow is key to maintaining a consistent case temperature that can dissipate the thermal load to reduce the failure in Prime and games. For instance for a stability test last night on a video card I ran Unigine's Heaven 2.5 benchmark for 3 hours

:withstupid: I remember my Q9450 failed after 23hrs and 58mins, I KID YOU NOT :rolleyes: one miniscule amount more vcore...

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Well right now I've been running prime for the past 15.5 hours, custom blender settings 93-95% physical memory. I'm going to see how long I can keep it going until either a) it crashes or b) my sister wants to play video games or something.


After that I'll try giving the north bridge a little bump in voltage and see whether it crashes on LinPacks.




Did you run it 24hr's again after that minuscule bump in Vcore? rofl.gif

Edited by xxmastermushxx

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Well right now I've been running prime for the past 15.5 hours, custom blender settings 93-95% physical memory. I'm going to see how long I can keep it going until either a) it crashes or b) my sister wants to play video games or something.


After that I'll try giving the north bridge a little bump in voltage and see whether it crashes on LinPacks.




Did you run it 24hr's again after that minuscule bump in Vcore? rofl.gif

yeah and it passed :thumbsup:

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I recently ran several different tests in Prime95, they all passed after 9-10+ hours.



Then it is not stable. Prime95 needs a minimum of 4 hrs then you talking pretty darn stable. Prime95 is the toughest of em all



I guess reading is hard for some of us... :rofl:


But I'd say it kinda sound like a ram problem to me. Does it pass memtest at the oc settings?

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I guess reading is hard for some of us... :rofl:


But I'd say it kinda sound like a ram problem to me. Does it pass memtest at the oc settings?


This is why I stay away from this forum. Obviously you cant read. He is getting BSOD. Instability. Appreciate if you spent time reading TOS instead of checking the box. :withstupid:

Edited by Drdeath

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Well I was able to run Prime 95, blend custom--93% physical Ram--19+ hours or so. My sister was watching something online when it crashed, she said. Should I just consider that stable or try to up the north-bridge voltage and CPU voltage?




I did run Memtest 86+ and for several hours...I think. I could try that test again, how many hours/runs of Memtest 86+ is recommended?

Edited by xxmastermushxx

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This is why I stay away from this forum. Obviously you cant read. He is getting BSOD. Instability. Appreciate if you spent time reading TOS instead of checking the box. :withstupid:


At least I can handle quoting someone on the thread... and I also didn't waste time lecturing someone on something they ALREADY did. :P


A couple passes of memtest is usually sufficient. Random BSODs are a pain to actually figure out when the machine is stable at load.

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At least I can handle quoting someone on the thread... and I also didn't waste time lecturing someone on something they ALREADY did. tongue.gif


A couple passes of memtest is usually sufficient. Random BSODs are a pain to actually figure out when the machine is stable at load.



Usually is a key word. Just state your advise and move on would be my best advise and not troll. TY

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Well I was able to run Prime 95, blend custom--93% physical Ram--19+ hours or so. My sister was watching something online when it crashed, she said. Should I just consider that stable or try to up the north-bridge voltage and CPU voltage?




I did run Memtest 86+ and for several hours...I think. I could try that test again, how many hours/runs of Memtest 86+ is recommended?

As long as it crashes for any reason it is not stable. Either lower your frequence or highten your voltages. can your temps handle more voltage? (CPU, MoBo?)

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As long as it crashes for any reason it is not stable. Either lower your frequence or highten your voltages. can your temps handle more voltage? (CPU, MoBo?)



I think, right now my CPU maxes at 64C when running LinPacks. I'm curious though, my motherboard labels the voltage I'm using now as not recommended--CPU-Z says it's 1.32V when idle and 1.296 when maxed. Is that just a safety thing MSI puts into so they can't be held liable?


My motherboard can take a higher VTT voltage. I have a temp reader on my fan controller and I stuck the heat probe in the heat-sink of the North-bridge, I think...Anyway, when maxed, the highest I've seen it report is around 40C. That's on the heatsink mind you, I don't know it's core temp.


Should I just up the voltage(s) to a moderately high level and see if it crashes in tests and then work my way down? Could I use Linx or OCCT LinPack for quicker stability testing? I mean, it doesn't crash on prime 95 until almost 24Hr's; I can't test that much, the computer is used way to often.


I'll test Memtest86+ overnight now to make sure it's not the RAM, keep you guys posted...

Edited by xxmastermushxx

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This is why I stay away from this forum. Obviously you cant read. He is getting BSOD. Instability. Appreciate if you spent time reading TOS instead of checking the box. :withstupid:


Usually is a key word. Just state your advise and move on would be my best advise and not troll. TY


As you have said, you do not frequent this forum as often as many of us do. BluePanda is a respected member of this community and you would do well to not accuse her of trolling when she has done nothing wrong.


On topic, it is likely that the issue is indeed memory if Prime95 lasts as long as it does without issue.

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