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Crossfire or Single card?

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hey just wondering if a crossfired 6850 would it be better than a single 6870?

i already have a 6850, just thinking if i should crossfire or just get a single


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To answer your first question - Yes a crossfire 6850 configuration is better than a 6870 even faster than a 6970 in most cases.

The only time it is good to crossfire is when you need the performance boost. if your playing games on a low resoulution or are just choppy than you should crossfire but if your playing games at 60+ or even 45+ than you should probably just continue to save your money.

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can you crossfire with different brands? :dunno:

example: gigabyte 6850 and Asus 6850

i'll crossfire when i get my new motherboard and my 902.

i'm getting 42 FPS on crysis 2 on hardcore



yes , you can crossfire with a diferent brand, like asgodlike says if you feel the need to crossfire do it if you dont then just save money, the 6850 are actually really low price right now and their crossfire performance are really good so i would recommend it ^^

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Where are ya from OP!


2x6850s are amazing !


Personally id go a good single card myself i have gone thru so many ati x fire cards the driver support is crap most games have major issues with sli and crossfire for gaming id say gtx 570 or 580 single depending on budget you will be worry free at least i ended up having to play crysis 2 in windows mode as there is no x fire fix for massive stuttering the ati drivers of my 2x 6970 kept failing on install resulting in black screens and bad installs as soon as i singly used them no issues most games that are released are released for single gpu then later they add the fix for multi gpu.. which i find annoying as i build a great pc to game on and all i can seem to do is get high score in benchmarks... so fun to sit and look at 3d mark all day


so my final verdict would be for less issues and tedious forum hunts for sli or x fire fixes - gtx 580 monsters most from what i hear sli and for money you would spend on sli of them you can keep it saved to upgrade to gtx 6-- when needed agreed sli is future proofing but when a game dont support it you end up using 1 underpowered version of the card till issues are fixed :) when because of and sorry to say console drag games wont really need much more than a single card for a few years. 99% of games released are multi platform and they have to reach xbox and ps3 standards there powerful consoles but they wont ever match a pc in grapical power and developers refuse to make pc only due to the fact copyright is so easy to abuse on pc so until consoles get upgraded games wont really require sli or xfire to be enjoyed :)


obviously if your benchmarking go sli! or xfire hehe and i dont intend to start flame wars on consoles its a common fact pc are more powerful but consoles are more practical :)


this is my view btw i mean no harm to any 1 using sli or xfire all i am sharing is my experience with sli and xfire headaches and hours of painful drivers / console command searching to make games work :) if this is no problem for people they do run faster but im happy at 60 fps i dont really see the point in 120+ fi it runs smooth im happy :)


sorry for bad punchuation and spelling and the long read thx for reading

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Personally id go a good single card myself i have gone thru so many ati x fire cards the driver support is crap most games have major issues with sli and crossfire for gaming

This was true many years ago - it's simply not true today. Crossfire actually scales better than SLi for many newer games especially when running tri-SLi or triple-CrossfireX. :cheers:


I honestly can't remember the last time I ran into issues with CrossfireX and I've had a 4870X2 since launch day almost 3 years ago.

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after I got my 2nd card installed and the driver updated, I have not had a single problem running two different brand 6950's and have noticed night and day differences in performance boosts. The 6xxx series scales beautifully. You will not be disappointed.

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The 6xxx series scales beautifully.

Technically anything post 2xxx series scales identically. :)

Edited by Waco

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