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not comfortable with my temps....

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so I've lost my OC settings again. bah! have to go back (ofc I wasn't smart enough to save em - that'd be too easy LOL)


so right now I went back up to 3.990GHz (w/HT) had to increase vCore to 1.16 running P95 right now. seems OK (yet) but the temp are getting out of hand at max being 74. I made a promise to myself not to cross 70 some time ago. what should I do? relax or roll back?


thanks, community!


p.s. see my setup in sig.

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Those are some high temps for such low voltage. I'd relax, though. Prime95 will stress your CPU at 100%, which is more than you'll see in day-to-day real world applications, unless you're folding. Not going over 76C was my promise to myself for the i7 920/930/950's, and all my CPU's have always lasted quite well. My longest video encoding session took maybe two hours, and I've folded for weeks straight at 100% as well, with temps in the 74C max range.

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Those are some high temps for such low voltage. I'd relax, though. Prime95 will stress your CPU at 100%, which is more than you'll see in day-to-day real world applications, unless you're folding. Not going over 76C was my promise to myself for the i7 920/930/950's, and all my CPU's have always lasted quite well. My longest video encoding session took maybe two hours, and I've folded for weeks straight at 100% as well, with temps in the 74C max range.


my other voltages are auto so the may be overvolting. any suggestions for starting point?

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It's been a while since my i7 920. Can you read your other voltages right now? This link should help.




working my way thru http://www.overclock.net/intel-motherboards/662236-asus-p6x58d-premium-e-thread-4.html#post8397751 right now. came across CLOCK SKEW: DELAY 300.... my question is why even change it and what it does...



okay I just went by those number and tried em for crap and giggles. seems to be stable indeed running P95, but with vcore @ 1.23125 the max temps top out @ 82 which is a bit more then i'm comfortable with. what can I lower? anything at all?


it seems to be idling just above 48 which also seems a bit much.


*edit edit* okay the idle temps dropped another couple of degrees as fan took over and gradually cooled it down. still tho 82 loaded bothers me.

Edited by Crawlerz246

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As I see it you have three options;


1. Disable Hyperthreading for a nice 10-15C decrease in temps under load

2. Invest in a better cooler

3. Back off your o/c


Very good clocks for those voltages by the way. Seems like you've got a stellar chip.

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You could also try reseating your HSF, clean and reapply TIM as well...


The way you explain it, it sounds like you had some OC before that you had comfortable temps with, and now your back at 4.0Ghz with temps you no longer like? But i dont believe a V8 is capable of keeping a i7 @ 4.0ghz under 75c or even 80c for that matter. The V8 isnt exactly a good cooler, if you wanna stay in that 70c range but stay at 4.0Ghz, then you might want to get a better cooler such as the Megahalems or NH-D14. So i agree with Wev, Better cooler!

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I used to have the same problem with temps and needing lots of vcore; original i7-920 C0 was very hungry for vcore. I ended up with a Prolimatech Megahalems lapped and my temps went down a lot. I still wasn't comfortable over 3.99Ghz for stable 24x7 operation. Eventually I went to watercooling to cool motherboard, CPU and GPU.

Edited by drbricks

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yeah i second the cooler possibly being the problem, I get about 85c or lower at 4.2ghz at 1.35v, I don't really mind since the 920 is known to be safe up to 100c.


If you're not comfortable with it, than you're only option is to get a new cooler. It definitely isn't the voltages at fault here, and the Coolermaster V8 is known to not be that good (no offense)

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  • 5 weeks later...

i am in agreement with thos that have said reseat the hsf or better yet snag a better cooler like they have said mega or d14 both are great air coolers that work as well or better than most of the cheap premade water coolers

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