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I have full faith that the CE will be under $100 in less than a week.I think supply will be greater than demand on the auction sites. Then again, I am not enough into games to want the CE to begin with.

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OCC's Article clarifies the game breaking bug


The bug triggers Error 3006, which kicks you out of the game and keeps you from logging back in. Gamers using the Demon Hunter class are the only ones affected right now, as the bug happens when the Demon Hunter equips a shield on the Templar follower. Many people are experiencing the issue and have taken to the Battle.net forums to voice the problem. Blizzard is aware of the bug (and others detailed on its support page) and is working on a fix.


Original Article: Kotaku

Edited by Fogel

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My single player learing game just stopped as they shut the servers down. That is just rude. I guess I could use the time to get some work done.



There you go.



I was able to finish the Cathedral and made it to level 5 with 5 minutes to go before they booted me. I SAVED DECARD CAIN!!!!

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Played through act II last night. I think I am lvl 25 right now.



I logged off around 8am and haven't played much since. I was one of the few lucky people that was able to get on the servers to play :)

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I sign on to play, then it says servers are shutting down haha. Estimated time they will be back up is 6:30 PM US EST (~32 minutes from now).



Please hurry!!

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I played like 30min last night. I like it. Pretty neat. Wish we had a little more control of player development but its all good, my barb kicks butt. And Collector's Edition is sweet! Lots of good stuff. Waaayyy worth $100.

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