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Help choosing new SSD


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Have Win 7 Home Prem 64 bit.


Here are my 3 choices:

1. Crucial RealSSD C300 / Sata 6G b/s / Model # CTFDDAC128MAG-1G1. For $249

2. Vertex 2 OCZSSD2 -2VTXE12 120 GB/ Sata 3. For $200


I think the Crucial is an older drive, but if comes from Crucial, it will be shipped with the newest firmware.

Vertex - may have to update, but wont know until installed.


Also - with SSD's, I understand no need for a Defragger, but what about a programs like :

CCleaner ; (2011) Tuneup Utilities; MRU Blaster; & Soluto

Edited by sethm1

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it's fine to use CCleaner


what is your budget exactly? can you afford 350$?

the Vertex 3 will be out in like two weeks, it is totally worth waiting for IF you are ok with spending that much

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$250 for 128GB I am fine with - $275 maybe but not more.


How soon will the price be announced? I am guessing when available for purchase.


If my local MicroCenter will not carry - what is a good on line store- NewEgg?


I am guessing now one likes the Crucial SSD?


Oh and Tuneup Utilities 2011; MRU Blaster; & Soluto - safe or not?



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Have Win 7 Home Prem 64 bit.


Here are my 3 choices:

1. Crucial RealSSD C300 / Sata 6G b/s / Model # CTFDDAC128MAG-1G1. For $249

2. Vertex 2 OCZSSD2 -2VTXE12 120 GB/ Sata 3. For $200


I think the Crucial is an older drive, but if comes from Crucial, it will be shipped with the newest firmware.

Vertex - may have to update, but wont know until installed.


Also - with SSD's, I understand no need for a Defragger, but what about a programs like :

CCleaner ; (2011) Tuneup Utilities; MRU Blaster; & Soluto

OCZ RevoDrive OCZSSDPX-1RVD0080 PCI-Express x4 80GB PCI Express MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) $243.99


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naw I can't recommend a revo drive for him

the vertex 3 might be cheaper than what I suggested, either way the 2 series might drop in price as well

but like you mentioned, microcenter has the vertex2 120GB for 199$ right now if you dont want to wait


i dont know much about those programs but... if you are using windows 7 they are most likely not needed at all

windows7 does most of the tuneup stuff on it's own

if you are using XP....

stop using XP, buy windows 7 and a vertex 2 right now

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Also - with SSD's, I understand no need for a Defragger, but what about a programs like :

CCleaner ; (2011) Tuneup Utilities; MRU Blaster; & Soluto

I don't think any of those are required if you're running Vista or 7.

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prices were already announced at $250 for 120gb and $500 for 240gb, but nobody can say with 100% certainty until they are actually in the stores for sale. I'd count on it being $250 and wait for it.


review on previous pages, but this page has prices http://techreport.com/articles.x/20622/8

Edited by Fight Game

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Hmm at $250 for a 120GB (which if I understanding reading OCZ literature, its actually 128GB. I think the 8 GB is saved for "Garbage".


Vertex 3 should be out any day now and I'd rather buy that then the Vertex 2 and then have to mess with firmware update. Hopefully if any firmware update on the

3 - it will be awhile.


And how often is there a firmware update on SSD's? Not use to firmware updates on regular hard drives.


Also - I read the Vertex 3 is great for Stoney Bridge, but with not many PC's out with Stoneybridge, the 3 will still work fine on 'older' PC's (older meaning anything pre-February).

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