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HD 6990 Price Guess!

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It seems the release date for the HD 6990 is either 3/7/2011 or 3/8/2011 (from what I've read). Still no price drops on any of the HD 6950/6970's, or GTX 570/580's though.


I'm guessing it's going to be around the $700 - $799 price range, because I know it's hoping for too much to be around the $600 - $699 price range (or even the $500 - $599 price range - which I would most likely end up buying if so).


For reference, the cheapest two HD 6970's right now would cost close to $690 after shipping at Newegg ($650 after MIR).


P.S. For some reason the Poll got closed, sorry!

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It seems the release date for the HD 6990 is either 3/7/2011 or 3/8/2011 (from what I've read). Still no price drops on any of the HD 6950/6970's, or GTX 570/580's though.


I'm guessing it's going to be around the $700 - $799 price range, because I know it's hoping for too much to be around the $600 - $699 price range (or even the $500 - $599 price range - which I would most likely end up buying if so).

I would guess 600-699.


I payed $560 for my first 4870X2 at launch back when it released, and I expect it to be at least $50 more.

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I would guess 600-699.


I payed $560 for my first 4870X2 at launch back when it released, and I expect it to be at least $50 more.

I wish it was $560, lol. Man, they sure have ramped up the prices on graphics cards.

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Ouch, $750? That's hefty... but that's around my guess.


yup better off buying 2 6970's...course unless ye be wanting crossfirex, not the crossfirex all the dopes use when talking about dual gpu setup which is crossfire wiv out the x


cant w8 for amd to surprise us! maybe they'll release it tomorrow cause of dragon age 2 cause they released a video with the 6990 doing eyefinity?



Edited by Dan The Gamer

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Yea, looking at prices on video cards in other countries should never be a reference for US prices! I have been saying for awhile that it should be priced in the $600-$700 range, and if AMD is smart, that is exactly where it will fall. Just slightly higher than the 580, but dominating it on performance! If it's priced any higher, then we might as well get 2 6970's ;) So I voted $600-$699

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I payed $560 for my first 4870X2 at launch back when it released, and I expect it to be at least $50 more.

I got mine for $470 on launch day...I'm hoping to catch a deal like that on the 6990!!! :biggrin:

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