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I'm so indecisive!!!!!

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Are the top fans in the DF-85 lit with LED's? also is the fan on the side panel (window panel) a 120mm fan? or 80?


The top fans are non-led 140mm fans. And the side panel is a 120mm fan, but it doesnt come with the side fan, its just a spot for an additional fan if you desire. I added another red LED fan here to directly blow air on my GTX570. Works great!

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While I like the Raven - you have to remember that many heatpipe cooled video cards simply won't work properly due to the orientation of the mobo.



I suggest: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119160 Big surprise huh? $119.99 with free shipping right now.


Wouldn't having the cards oriented vertically be better than horizontal and upside-down? Since heat rises, having them horizontal and upside-down seems like the worst possible orientation. While vertical probably isn't the BEST configuration (which I would assume would be upright/horizontal), it seems like it would be much better than horizontal and upside-down.


I did a quick glance around google and found this: http://hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1036495641&postcount=1994


He was responding to this: http://hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1036495328&postcount=1993


It seems like as long as your video card uses better than the cheapest possible heatpipes, it will only make a 1-2 degree temp difference. They compared an MSI GTX 460 HAWK with a vanilla 460 on expreview, and it was only 1-2 degrees higher in the raven's standard configuration.


Keep in mind this was one of very few cases that could handle 3-4 480's without letting them overheat.

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Wouldn't having the cards oriented vertically be better than horizontal and upside-down? Since heat rises, having them horizontal and upside-down seems like the worst possible orientation. While vertical probably isn't the BEST configuration (which I would assume would be upright/horizontal), it seems like it would be much better than horizontal and upside-down.

Someone on here (I don't recall who it was now...stupid brain) had huge issues with his. I think he had a 5970 with big heatpipes and it wouldn't stay stable in the vertical orientation at all.

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Definitely the Silverstone RV02B-EW



Solid construction, cool/sleek looks, dust filters, incredible cooling performance, GREAT cable management, hot-swappable HDD capability, etc. etc. etc.


All for $178 and free shipping from Amazon with prime.



Is it me, or is this case backward, reversed or somthing, it opens from the other side?

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Is it me, or is this case backward, reversed or somthing, it opens from the other side?

It's an odd orientation. The expansion slots are on the top (so cards are mounted vertically). It runs cool as HELL though.

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