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Corsair H50, is it worth it?


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I vowed I would never buy a self contained water cooling unit, mostly because the price would be prohibitively expensive (I'm a cheap bastard lol). However, Amazon has the Corsair H50 for $60, and I have a $20 gift certificate. So, at $40, it's starting to look real attractive, I figure I could get to 3.5 very comfortably, and it should probably lower the overall case temp.. I'm just wondering if the extra ~1ghz is going to be worth the $40. Thoughts?

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Ehh..... I've decided for the mild use I get out of it, I can't justify the $40. I can, however, justify $7 for a Hyper 212+ Now, is it worth the extra $10 to make it a push/pull config?


Not really... if anything, I'd invest in a bottle of rubbing alcohol, at least 70% USP, the higher the better, to clean off your proccy properly :\


PS, Proccy = CPU, it's cuter, kthx.

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LMAO, I know you said you are a cheap bastard, but 0.99 for a bottle of rubbing alcohol to clean off your cpu :rofl: Splurge and get the rubbing alcohol, don't clean of your cpu with hand sanitizer that contains alcohol :cheers: Sorry bubba, but I am still cracking up at the "splurge" for 99 cents ;)

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