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Its ok Dan, i pretty much destroyed anything he can say about "Entry Level" again. If he says that i7 is entry level again hes just plain ignorant. If you read my post you will see i point out how many things the guy is wrong about. You should read it, Plus my post is spaced well so its not a wall of test that is hard to read.


Somebody got served/pwned!

Too bad the nominations are closed ;)

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Lol, Glad you liked it.


Your wronG!!!!!! Your opinion anyway, it doesnt go with mine! My shot is. Bulldozer will be decent, but it will come out 2nd best. to SB. In well coded and heavily multithreaded apps bulldozer will shine brightest. In all other things it will not be nearly so good. The end of the day, Bulldozer will be a step up from Phenom2s but not all around up to the 2nd generation core i7s. But in well coded multthreaded environments the bulldozer will be great, right up there with the 2600k performance everything else it will show weakness. So in the end the first generation bulldozer will just about catch up with the current SB 2600k. This is no small feat in itself. Realistically the 2600k will be more powerful in all single threaded apps and some multithreaded apps because hyperthreading is wonderful for poor coding scenarios. This will give intel an edge and they will market this edge to death, AMD will market bulldozer with apps that their 8cores do great in, well coded multithreaded apps and benchmarks. Its gonna get ugly on the forums, as both sides will be arguing their advantages/disadvantages over on another.

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so absolutely nothing changes. Wish there were actual updates every time I see this thread bumped!


ya i usually post but some many people defending intel...wish an admin or something could limit ppls comments


hope you realise that 3.5ghz plus turbo core means that it will be unlikely that in a single threaded app it wont perform on par with a 2600? at least turbocore doesn't disable any cores when it oc's and you can't compare sb to bulldozer bacause there are no benchmarks thanks to the chipset issue!

Edited by Dan The Gamer

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Lol an opinion is an opinion lol. So we are all entitled to our own. Personally i will not pass any judgement until i see real performance numbers from bulldozer(Like legit ones from OCC). And then eventually Ivy Bridge. So we shall see!!! Im still very excited for the release for Bulldozer.

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Lol an opinion is an opinion lol. So we are all entitled to our own. Personally i will not pass any judgement until i see real performance numbers from bulldozer(Like legit ones from OCC). And then eventually Ivy Bridge. So we shall see!!! Im still very excited for the release for Bulldozer.



That really was my backwards way of making that point, i just thought i would make fun of typical forum BS

Edited by ocre

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some already known info




phenom ii 980 3.7 elephants?




likely release date...i think i posted this one?




thats one odd shaped processor you got there




is a 6550 fast? probably wont have dedicated vram...

isnt ram as fast as ddr3 graphics card ram or am i missing something?

Edited by Dan The Gamer

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ya i usually post but some many people defending intel...wish an admin or something could limit ppls comments


hope you realise that 3.5ghz plus turbo core means that it will be unlikely that in a single threaded app it wont perform on par with a 2600? at least turbocore doesn't disable any cores when it oc's and you can't compare sb to bulldozer bacause there are no benchmarks thanks to the chipset issue!


Actually i am not defending anyone, I have an absolute level head about it. Maybe you should read some of JF-AMDs own words on the bulldozer, this is where i got my opinion, unlike some people who are just making stuff up because of a feeling from nowhere. Again, my opinion is based solely on JF from AMD comments to which i have concluded for myself that without a doubt Bulldozer will be lacking is single theaded performance compared to Intel. This is my conclusion, which i have every right to come to.


Do you really think the admin should prevent my shot or preliminary conclusion on where bulldozer will perform? I didnt come here to dis bulldozer or to defend intel, i didnt come here to dis intel and to dream of bullldozer performance from thin air. Nothing would please me more than to see bulldozer destroy anything Intel has, that would be great!!! But, as i said earlier, i am level headed and very perceptive. I am not blind from the obvious. So here are the statementds from the horses mouth, lets see how you interpret them. JF-AMD (if you dont know who he is then i suggest you do some ) quotes related to bulldozer:


-"The "niche" in the market is the $1000 SKU that nobody buys. We will do quite well in the 99.9% of the rest of the market.......

But to imply that we are targeting niches is not in sync with what I said. We will do very well in the areas where people are actually spending money. Which is hardly a niche. "


-"Here's a thought:

People will look at their budget and they will buy the product that best meets their needs.

Today in x86 you can buy everything from Atom and Brazos up to 4-way Xeon and Opteron.

People will buy what they need.

Where is this desire (on both sides) for one product to be named "ruler of them all"?

The CPU market is a diverse market, those that argue one product is going to be better than the other must just like to argue. "


-"The most interesting thing about being a smaller company up against a really big competitor (that does not always play fair) is that your job is NOT to go head to head with them in the same markets, they can just outspend you.

The goal is to find parts of the market where they aren't that you can own.Take a look at Xeon and Opteron today. They are going after high clock speed lower core count, we are going after higher core count. We have each laid our bets on where we think the market is headed. Trying to take on a bigger competitor by matching their products is not a great strategy, yet everyone here seems to want the two companies to go head to head. "


-"My point is about the size of the aggregate market, not the market that reads this board.

I spent $5K on a mountain bike, but the group of riders at my level represents well less than 1% of the total aggregate mountain bike market.


People here are making statements about the aggregate market in general using a proof point that applies to less than 1% of the total market. If people were to say "unless company X can win in benchmark 123 they will never break into the application Y leadership" then I wouldn't have an issue.

But the market is huge, with millions of PCs per quarter being sold, and there is no silver bullet that drives the whole market as one.

I would also bet that cost is a far bigger driver than performance. If this were not the case everyone on this board would be running a $1000 intel CPU, and I am guessing that even in a highly performance-minded world like this, more people are driven by performance (buying the best performance for thier budget) vs. just buying the highest raw performance out there."


-"You are not looking at it the right way. You need to look per socket, not by core. If the $800 Opteron is faster than the $800 Xeon, then AMD has a winner. Looking at things on a "per core" basis is not a good way to look at it because that is not how customers buy. Even as a consumer you probably say "I have $300 in my budget, what is the highest performance processor that I can get for the apps I run for those dollars.""


-"When you consider that 95%+ of the market is NOT buying the top speed part, how do you define successful?

I think too many people get wrapped up in arguing benchmarks on parts they will never buy. "


And to sum all this up to you....


in direct response to a poster saying this -""50% faster" is definitely information on performance, right?

Unless of course the CeBit page was just written by a guy who read the topic headline here and took it as fact..."


JFamd says: "I would guess that whoever wrote the page has some details mixed up. Those things happen. "


-"Correct. We cannot be held accountable for someone else's statements. " "


Now these is specifically on the bulldozer 50% faster than the i7 950 threads:


-" I think rumors get spun up. The reason I say don't get too excited is that things tend to get spun up to a fever pitch and then we get the "crap, they lied to us...." replies that start showing up."


Now please sir, tell me what you get out of these statements strait from AMD. Am i just defending intel? No!!! This is the attitude of AMD and from this i can easily conclude what i preciously wrote. Please let me here your take on what JF AMD is saying. The tone is over and over, its clear if you can come out of your fantasy and down to earth. Please tell me how bulldozer is gonna be more powerful in single threaded performance when JF is clearly pitching a per socket basis? I can go on and on with his post, which if you have a decent mind, you can read a lot from here ya go more!!!


JF AMD quotes on bulldozer:


-""Per core" metrics always have an agenda and are always biased. Intel will point to per core performance and I will point to per core power and per core price. But people don't buy cores, they buy processors. And that is why per socket is the only way to compare them. "


-"Let's just say that performance per socket will be the best way to measure performance between two competing architectures."


and the last one i have time for:


-"Core counts and thread counts are what the loyalists will use to argue superiority over each other.

Total performance per socket

Power consumed per processor

Price per processor

If we all stick to these, then architectural differences are neutralized and we can actually have a decent conversation.

That is, amazingly, how probably 95%+ of the world would evaluate the processors. "



And you should know if he is saying this then , conventionally enough, the bulldozer will look best if we think of things this way. The way JF is wanting you to view it. But this way should give you the hint that Bulldozer is not gonna perform as well as SB in single threaded apps. Since he is spinning like that, there is not a chance it will. its gonna have more weaker cores competing with less stronger cores. How could a single threaded app perform better on BD then? Please study what JF has repeatedly said and if you can gather something else from the consistent postings from, i would like to here your take on this, please please please do tell me your take, regardless, let me hear what it is i concluded wrong.

Edited by ocre

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That really was my backwards way of making that point, i just thought i would make fun of typical forum BS


Lol i know you were just messin. Also i love all the quotes from JF at AMD. I guess im not the only one that reads his blogs about Bulldozer...

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well, Fight Game said this...


"so absolutely nothing changes. Wish there were actual updates every time I see this thread bumped! "


and then dan said that, so i thought i would contribute to this thread by a collection of JF AMD comments about bulldozer which give indications of the performance. So i kinda wanted to kill two birde you know, JF is singing a consistent song, if anyone choses to listen. What is great is bulldozer will be performing very well and thats great to me. I dont see how its gonna be beating intels best when JF clearly says things that indicate otherwise

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