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Where's the 10ghz CPU's that were predicted?

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I'm having a .ing field day reading those comments.


This was done in 2000 and yet people are acting as if it were an unforeseeable distance in the future.




Even with that being said, I DO think we should be a bit further a long than this.

I've heard great things about Intel's newest architecture but really in terms of factoral increases in power we haven't really done a damn thing.


Sure compared to the CPUs of 2000 we have INSANE, SUPER, HYPER MEGA SPEED but really in 11 years it really isn't that much of a leap.

There were really only a few leaps that I remember well enough to comment on, one of those being when the first CoreDuos pounded the previous Pentium 4s into the ground and another is the new Sandybridge chips that are wrecking Intels own i7s.


Not really that great in 11 years if you ask me.




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thats because software has increased in complexity as well.. run win 98 on a 4ghz 6 core cpu and it wont see any different to running it on a single core.. but run a single core on win 7 and play bf2.. watch ur comp . itself.. cpus and gpus have come a longggggggggg way from 2000.. very long way

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