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Facebook scam


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I just had an interesting live chat on FB. One of my friends vacationing in London got mugged and needed me to wire money. I got the details of where to send it, then asked a personal question to verify identity. Much hedging ensued, "I'm so distraught", etc..., but no answers. In the meantime I called the friend in the States and got her husband who said that she was out taking care of the animals.


The chat ended abruptly at that point when I suggested that the next course of action be that the person on the other end go f**k themselves. I have an address where they wanted the money wired but have no idea who to report it to, any suggestions?


Anyways, just a cautionary tale, a reminder that you need to be suspicious of everything on the web.

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my friend Jaz got the same email regarding a friend and it wasnt from facebook...i.d report it to the local authorities and see what they say...

I had him email back the person to call him directly collect person to person and they never did they emailed back saying they lost the number which he knew was bull.

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I just had an interesting live chat on FB. One of my friends vacationing in London got mugged and needed me to wire money. I got the details of where to send it, then asked a personal question to verify identity. Much hedging ensued, "I'm so distraught", etc..., but no answers. In the meantime I called the friend in the States and got her husband who said that she was out taking care of the animals.


The chat ended abruptly at that point when I suggested that the next course of action be that the person on the other end go f**k themselves. I have an address where they wanted the money wired but have no idea who to report it to, any suggestions?


Anyways, just a cautionary tale, a reminder that you need to be suspicious of everything on the web.


That scam has been going on for awhile where I live, except they have been calling elderly people claiming to be their grandchild,or relative....etc and scamming these poor people out of the only little bit of money them have :angry: . I wish they would bring back the death penalty

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I've never been a big fan of facebook I keep a fake account with fake information in it because some people I know beg me to have a fb account. It just seems like they just want more and more information while they slacking at there security and trying to figure our ways to sell your personal information without getting into legal trouble. I can just see that day when you can look up anybody on facebook and buy there whole history on facebook for a fee.


Anyways this type of scam has been going on for a while know it's not exclusive to face book.

Edited by fire_storm

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This once happened to me with a friend on msn messenger at around 3am. It was all the usual "in a strange city, got mugged, please wire some money" routine, so I'm laughing to myself and trying to see how I can mess with the scammer. Eventually though I ask him to call me, and the kicker is, he does!!


Turns out, it actually was my friend and he did get mugged. Glad I didn't just log out and ignore the "fake message". :D

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My friend just called me 2 weeks ago and asked about this. He had gotten an email from one of his other close friends saying he had been "mugged in Europe" and to send money so he could get back. But when he immediately called his friend to find out what was going on, of course he was safe and sound at home. Someone had hacked into his hotmail account and emailed everyone in his contact list the same thing. I told my buddy, who isn't very good with computers and online common sense about security that his buddy probably got phished for his email password and explained to him what that was, and to never give out any personal account info responding to anything......EVER ;)

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More companies should adopt Blizzard Authenticator system. Even if a hacker has your Username and Password, they still can't log in without your Random Number Generator.


Funny thing is one of my friends found another friend's WoW account information posted on a site along with duped account information of hundreds of others. I tested it and the account name and password were correct, however he had an authenticator so couldn't log in anyways (had him change all his passwords haha).


It doesn't have to be physical device, they could send the user a conformation number through a text or some other form.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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I checked back in to FB and my friend has deleted her account. All she had to do was set a new password and select tighter security settings, but now she probably thinks teh internets has stolen her soul. :sigh:


The majority of people just aren't equipped for the web. :ph34r:

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