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Crazy Winter Ice Storm About to Cover the Midwest


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And the Iowa National Guard is on the ground, activating team and squad sized elements to assist in highway patrol operations. Local news link. And it appears that I'm not the only person with the right priorities:


"I'm not sure why, but we've sold a ton of bananas," Amos said, noting one man who bought three pounds.


"He said if he didn't get out in the next couple of days he would at least have bananas on hand," Amos said.

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It will never cease to amaze me why people still go out on the roads when they aren't plowed.


I see it all the time (I'm obviously better than them because I'm in a truck :P ) and it always bewilders me.

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My truck has 4 wheel drive. Snow drifts are 3-5 feet high.

So what did I do?

I parked it in the driveway with the other cars.

Called into work. I am snowed in.

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well I was at work when it hit....We didnt get the icy rain but it just started snowing and blowing and getting down right cold. We got anywhere from 9-18 inches depending. I left work shortly after midnight and the roads werent plowed in some spots. No I drive a very light 95 F150 2wd so I had 800lbs of sandbags in the back.... I added another 200lbs in anticipation of the snow and needing to get around. Wife called me at 10pm saying the electric had gone off 4 times already and the last time hadnt came back on so she loaded all the kids and the pets and headed the 10 mile trip into town for a Motel room.


This morning the roads are pretty cleared but the Motel she picked seems to be the only one that hasnt plowed yet. I had a little tuff time getting out but I made it on my second try...longer start and faster speed to make it thru the 3foot drifts hahaha.


I drove home to check out the house...electrics on but its kinda cold and the water barely works and has dirt and rust in the lines. I gotta go check for broken pipes and shovel the drives by hand...then I am off to the shop to get snow blowers and do that drive...BOOOOO


all in all everyone safe...hope you all are too

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