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i7-950 vs SandyBridge

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I'm having problem deciding whether I should wait for SandyBridge or not. I've been googling a lot about this, it's taking me back and forth. People say its worth waiting because it's cheaper and faster, then there are people that mentions Intel releases too many sockets in order to make older ones obsolete as soon as possible. And there probably won't be a good 1155 board until a year or so from now, as they need to mature.


Also, something about the SandyBridge processor being locked and you'll have to pay extra for the unlocked one just to overclock it?


My current build has served me well over 5 years, and I want to upgrade. Seeing there is a sale tomorrow on i7-950 for $200 as someone has mentioned several threads down, I am tempting to go purchase it. What should I do?

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Lol, I'm there too. Do I get an 1155 or an 1156? I think I'll get an 1156 either way...but the MSI P67 1155 looks REALLY NICE. I saw an unboxing of it, they have no caps around the CPU and all the caps on the board are high-end.

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Socket 1156 is over this coming year (2011), as well as 1366... 1155 has a longer lifespan planned for it (more than one CPU generation), so I would recommend you wait... Plus, it's only a few weeks away (the official launch date is Monday the 9th, if I remember).


Yes, the P67 (Gigabyte) is an awesome line - I can tell you that the P67A-UD7 is one heavy board on its own (and it's so full of features, you won't need anything else).. Though, the MSRP is about $330ish... But even the Intel DP67BG is an awesome board (and the light up skull is cool) - and it will cost a lot less...


Performance wise, you're going to be far better than the 1156 CPUs (plus you get newer technology and enhancements to go with it - AVX, for one).

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Why wait...? buy what you want now....



If you wait for the next best thing.....you'll always be waiting....


AS for sockets 1156 and 1336 being obsolete when sandy bridge comes out, there are loads of people still using LGA 775 amd 478 boards. Just because there is something new does not mean the old is bad or obsolete. My i7 930 will last about 2 or 3 more years. A 950 has just a bit more power allowing it to stat on top of its work a little longer.

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I believe the biggest thing that makes a system obsolete is cooling. You're not going to get the most out of your CPU if you stick with air cooling, whether it's the LGA 1366 or LGA 1155 or LGA 2011. If I had a Noctua NH-D14 still, I wouldn't be able to run my i7 950 at 4.37GHz 24/7 without getting into the mid 80's. If I wanted to, I could probably run my i7 950 right now at 4.6GHz with my watercooling set-up but with temps in the high 70's with my fans running at 7v or 12v instead of 5v.


If you're going to utilize either the i7 950 or the 2600k or the LGA 2011 CPU's to their full potential, upgrade to watercooling first.

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If you wait for the next best thing.....you'll always be waiting....



True - but in this case, it's less than 2 weeks away... I tell people the same thing - with technology, you CAN'T wait... Something new will always be there.

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