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Overclocking SLI GTX 580s and 1866 RAM


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Was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what I should bring the numbers on my dual GTX 580s to, could probably push 850 but i'm thinking I won't need to go over 820. Shader can probably be tweaked to 1650-1700 and memory i'm thinking 4200 or push it a bit further to 4400.


Also I plan on tweaking my 1866 6Gb Corsairs Doms to probably 2000, although my experience on RAM tweaking is pretty limited, any suggestions on the other numbers?


My I7 980X CPU will be running at probably around 4, but I may push it a tad bit more if it can't keep up with the GPUs


Also don't really feel like touching the volts so lets just use that as a limiting factor.

Edited by Sentient6

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What are your current temps, max and idle. What are your current clocks?


Theory crafting here bud, still waiting on some of the pieces before this baby is up and running. Just wondering what some average numbers I should be shooting for without going too overboard, looking for some decent performance increase without compromising the system.


My system is liquid cooled and I have full case fans so temperature should be pretty easy to keep in check. Gonna try and stay below 90 on full load.


Also all the clocks are gonna be factory stock to start out with.

Edited by Sentient6

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I would say a 10 - 15% OC would be possible on the 580 but it totally depends on what your temps are like. As for RAM you could hit 2000 if you lax the timings a little and possibly feed it more juice.

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You'll be limited by heat. In reviews without voltage mods, it can typically go to 925MHz on the core clock. With the ASUS voltage tweak, up to 962MHz.


Ya, but with my SLI setup I really don't think there is any need to go anywhere near that high. I'm thinking just a moderate tweak so I can give my 3D performance a boost.

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Ya, but with my SLI setup I really don't think there is any need to go anywhere near that high. I'm thinking just a moderate tweak so I can give my 3D performance a boost.


I would say keep it @ stock unless you are not getting the performance you want. When you really need the power (crysis 2) I would say no more than 850. The memory I have little knowledge about. And The cpu has enough juice @ 4ghz to power the 580's in sli. I would say keep everything @ stock till you need the power :)

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Actually think i'll just copy Inno3Ds OC edition also, with the settings and setup I am going for, stock is not enough. I want to stay at 60 fps with maximum graphics settings at 1900x1080 with Nvidia 3D Vision enabled, with the newer DX11 games I will require overclocking to achieve my goal.

Edited by Sentient6

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