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So gimme a list of all the benches and where i can download them please, and i will get started.

Hey warweeny you want to see what your 460 can do to my dual 250s? Considerer it a challenge :evilgrin:

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damn.... guess trial and error.. coz i cant see it, cant look for artifacts... guess ill just have to go slowly till i come up with errors

I'll try folding with them not in SLI, it'll probably be more stable. I can fold for 2-3 iterations fine, then it'll mess up on one. I guess that's why they call it "beta".

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So gimme a list of all the benches and where i can download them please, and i will get started.

Hey warweeny you want to see what your 460 can do to my dual 250s? Considerer it a challenge :evilgrin:


thing is i am not athome right now but monday should be good :P

but i think il accept your chalange!


but on my terms if you dont mind :)


the test i would like to challange with are:


msi kombustor 1920 / 1080 no msaa fullsreen

furmark 1920 / 1080 no msaa fullscreen

crysis warhead 1920 / 1080 8x msaa fullscreen 3x loop in avalange

resident evil 5 (download demo there is a benchmarking tool on it) 1920 / 1080 8xmsaa fullscreen

3dmark 06 standard edition (just download the thing no registration or whatever)

unigine dx10 (since your card doesnt support dx11:P) 1920 / 1080 8xmsaa 16x af everything else at highest settings



let me know if you are interested :)

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Sounds good. One problem my monitor is only ah... :ph34r: .... 1024x768 until i can cough up the dough for a new one.

I'll get downloading and benching. Btw by saying not till monday do you mean you wont be able to post your results till then or i should not?


EDIT: Can you give me a link to crysis warhead bench.

EDIT2: Cant get resident evil (age prob) :whistling:

Edited by SpeedCrazy

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Oh i thought i had to download the game demo.


Oh I thought there was a benchmark program but it seems its actually a demo but still ... How old are you and why dont you just get it anyway ?

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My age is not the prob, i could tewll them whatever i want but my moral standards prevent me from intentionally lying even to some company who doesnt need my details. That bench will have to be dropped.

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My age is not the prob, i could tewll them whatever i want but my moral standards prevent me from intentionally lying even to some company who doesnt need my details. That bench will have to be dropped.


Just get the benchmark then :rolleyes:

Lol , Mecury was right when he told me speedcrazy was paranoid

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