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Update!: With some more knowledge from reading I dropped the HT Link and NB Freqs down and changed the memory divider. Now it's at 3.15ghz and seems to be prime'n stable but beyond this I'm not sure what to do since I was trying thing after thing and nothing seems to let it go over this.

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Its most probably ur board,I think this is the max base clock ur board can do,if u had a BE processor u could have pushed way more higher,at pushing base clocks asus boards are the best.

Ya maybe, I'll see tomorrow where I'll have at it with a fresh mind. I hope you're wrong and it's just something stupid, I mean it WAS a $55 dollar board and $60 chip but I still had high hopes with a CCF on top :-/

3.15ghz is still decent dont get me wrong, and shouldn't bottleneck her 460 too bad but I still want to try for more if I can

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: Boo, 3.12ghz was the max it OC'd, BUT I think that's the chip holding it back because I cranked the bclock to 250 and dropped the multi and it passed prime all night. I'll try to work back up to 3.12ghz but have faster memory/bclock to make it a stronger 3.12ghz than before

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this on that Biostar board?


whats the NorthBridge frequency at 3.12ghz CPU speeds?

NB and HT were at 2ghz at those speeds and yes it's this one TA790GXB3

There were no newer bioses for it on that site you provided for me, though I did update to the newest one given by biostar


I know because of the 1333mhz memory that my bclock can never exceed 333mhz

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Seems like ur mobo doenot like the multi 13 so u put it down to 12.5 and kept increasing the base clock,but be careful i noticed that ur mobo does not have a mosfet heatsink so u better get a fan or heatsink to cool it there,cuz if u overvolt the mosfets can get burned just like how mine did. :thumbsup:

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This temperature is quite low. Are you sure it is accurate? Did you try AMD Overdrive for monitoring it?

It is under a Sunbeam Core Contact after all but I'll check out multiple monitoring programs to know for sure.


Seems like ur mobo doenot like the multi 13 so u put it down to 12.5 and kept increasing the base clock,but be careful i noticed that ur mobo does not have a mosfet heatsink so u better get a fan or heatsink to cool it there,cuz if u overvolt the mosfets can get burned just like how mine did. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the tip, luckily I havent had to raise the northbridge voltage yet so we'll see

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you may need to a fuzz...that tends to help the IMC compensate for issues of higher clocks...sometimes the NB needs a bump just as the CPU does to stay in check...but you'll only know if you do it and it helps stability...then you know which area is holding you back

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's stable at 3.412ghz, one tick up to 274bclock(3.425ghz) and a couple hours of prime95 and it barely fails. Dropping the NB multi didn't help so I tried uppin the vcore 0.125v to see if it will help, any lower than what I have and it isn't stable at 273block (3.412ghz) so I know that I'm not overvolting.

Here's me P95'n it with the small voltage bump, hopefully it will do the trick.


I just noticed with CPU-Z that I'm in single channel too, so I guess I didn't put the ram in the right dual channel slots. If this fails I will do that and pray that I wont have to start over again :glare:

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