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9800se Video Card Benchs


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9800SE scores 17745



Abit IS-7E(865p)

2.8c [email protected]

1024 Geil Golden Dragon 433ddr 2x226

Sapphire 9800SE 128meg(omega drivers w/softmod)




120gbWD 8meg cache

xp pro w/sp1





Anyone get any better with their 9800SE?

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The first run i did stock with ATI 3.9 drivers it came out 13k+ :blink: or so.


I went and downloaded the Omega drivers for the 9800SE with the softmod (to open the extra 4 pipelines)


Once i did that i got 15K+ scores


I then downloaded Rage3D tweak Version 3.9 (but i only installed the overclock utility nothing else)


I then was able to OC the card to 425 core(max) and 290x2=580 Memory clock


Stock upon delivery was 324 core/ 250x2 memory clock.


(now cooling other than stock video card fan and heatsinks on it)


After doing all that i got a stable run of 17745 with no artifacts.

I thought it was pretty good but wanted to see others expeirence to see if this is really good for the card or just average numbers to be obtained by the card =o)



Thanks for any and all input :blink:

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wow, i have a 9800pro with good cooling and i can only get 14600 with all stock speeds (CPU and all).

i hope to hit that speed.....for only 185 bucks that is a KILLER card.

overclocking your cpu and memory will net you some big jumps in 3dmark2k1

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wow, i have a 9800pro with good cooling and i can only get 14600 with all stock speeds (CPU and all).

i hope to hit that speed.....for only 185 bucks that is a KILLER card.

overclocking your cpu and memory will net you some big jumps in 3dmark2k1

yeah i know, i can only oc my CPU to 1935mhz right now because of my mb....via chipsets dont have the option to lock agp/pci clocks so its holding me back.

but i broke 15k with what i have so far.


my dad is thinking of getting the 9800SE for himself...he cant afford a 9800xt because my family is moving and cant afford stuff like that right now.

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