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The mix is epic Suchu :thumbsup: There are only 2 things I think that could be improved (from my point of view). The mix from track 1 to track to was rather fast for my liking. Every subsequent one was perfect however :) And Sweet Disposition didn't last very long at the end. I love that song and could probably listen to it forever :happy:


So when do you play up here? :)

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I had to cut Sweet Disposition to come in under 30mins (competition rules)... shame as it's awesome. Yeah, I see what you mean about the first mix, it sounded better live, but when I listened back over headphones it was a bit pants.


I've never played in a real club before, so I imagine a while before I make my way up to Manchester :lol:

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Forgot to mention I helped support this back on the day this was posted - think I was view 15.

Also wanted to say I buck the trend and think the last half was better than the first half :dunno:


Good stuff

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You used Mt. Eden's remix of Still Alive.


I love you.


Edit: All we have to do to "vote" is listen? Well, dude, this is the most pleasurable process of "voting" I've ever encountered.





Double thanks.

Edited by tkrow21

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I'm super busy with Uni and working, so don't expect a real mix for a few weeks at least BUT here is some crap I threw together because I can't sleep. Bleh.


You should totally, like, click here to stream it, or right click to download [128kbps mp3]



if you don't know, the end quote is from 'bill & teds excellent adventure' if you have been living under a rock for the past couple of decades, check it out...


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