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I forgot all about that. I guess we could. I've never played it though, is it actually any good?

Only if both teams work together really well or work together terribly. :lol:


Normally VS is just a massacre though, one team is really good and cooperate well, the other team is just running around doing whatever.


Too bad more of you don't have killing floor, I much prefer it over left 4 dead, the cooperation is so much more intense and less mechanical in killing floor, really makes you feel like you're working together well when you do manage to do, kind of a rewarding feeling.


Edit: Also, relating to what Krieg said, I guess if we can come up with a good time to do these things we can set them up on the Steam Group. How does... 6 PM CST for game and 7 or 8 PM CST for movie sound? You guys probably have a better idea of good times to do things than me so I'll let you decide.

Edited by Deathmineral

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Only if both teams work together really well or work together terribly. :lol:


Normally VS is just a massacre though, one team is really good and cooperate well, the other team is just running around doing whatever.


Too bad more of you don't have killing floor, I much prefer it over left 4 dead, the cooperation is so much more intense and less mechanical in killing floor, really makes you feel like you're working together well when you do manage to do, kind of a rewarding feeling.


Edit: Also, relating to what Krieg said, I guess if we can come up with a good time to do these things we can set them up on the Steam Group. How does... 6 PM CST for game and 7 or 8 PM CST for movie sound? You guys probably have a better idea of good times to do things than me so I'll let you decide.

I love killing floor. Although between myself and the other 5 guys I play with, I'm the only one ever to beat a difficulty over 'beginner' so I don't exactly have the best training partners :rolleyes: If you want a game, PM me for my steam name

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What is the timezone offset for CST?

-6 I think?


Here's a table to help. My time would be under St. Louis.


Edit: Actually I think I'll go ahead and add that site to the original post, it'll be handy for people like myself, I don't know time zones too well. :lol:


I love killing floor. Although between myself and the other 5 guys I play with, I'm the only one ever to beat a difficulty over 'beginner' so I don't exactly have the best training partners :rolleyes: If you want a game, PM me for my steam name

I've beaten it on hard quite a few times in public games but you're right, it can be difficult to get a good team going beyond beginner difficulty. Oddly enough, I find it easier to find a good team on hard rather than normal, probably because a lot of the low levels think they can handle normal even if they really can't but they still fear going into hard difficulty. :lol:


At this point I don't play a whole lot anymore, usually just when I see friends playing it. I've already maxed out all the perks so there isn't much left to do as far as making progress goes.

Edited by Deathmineral

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-6 I think?


Here's a table to help. My time would be under St. Louis.


Edit: Actually I think I'll go ahead and add that site to the original post, it'll be handy for people like myself, I don't know time zones too well. :lol:



I've beaten it on hard quite a few times in public games but you're right, it can be difficult to get a good team going beyond beginner difficulty. Oddly enough, I find it easier to find a good team on hard rather than normal, probably because a lot of the low levels think they can handle normal even if they really can't but they still fear going into hard difficulty. :lol:


At this point I don't play a whole lot anymore, usually just when I see friends playing it. I've already maxed out all the perks so there isn't much left to do as far as making progress goes.

Nice planner I can probably make it for l4d 1/2 o killing floor but after that I am off going to get stuck into one of my projects.


Be fair Death the game is fair hard and near on impossible if you go without a team/team that cant play.

I tried to play hard solo and was decimated :lol: could just make it through a few waves myself on normal.

Now need to find time and some decent people to play with.

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I suck at team games, I always go off and try yo kill too many things myself. :P

I think that tends to be the way most people play team games. :lol:


The only times I see random people work together really well is when there is an added condition, for example, during killing floor holiday events, you will find almost everyone in any game trying to their best to work together. When there is a prize to be had, people really put some effort into it.

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Edit: Also, relating to what Krieg said, I guess if we can come up with a good time to do these things we can set them up on the Steam Group. How does... 6 PM CST for game and 7 or 8 PM CST for movie sound? You guys probably have a better idea of good times to do things than me so I'll let you decide.

Not sure when my dad is getting home and we're having dinner, so I may not be online right at 6 CST (7 EST). Aside from that though, those times work for me. Anyone going to make a Steam event for it?

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Tell you guys what, I'll set the movie for 8PM CST and maybe we can just use any time before or after for games? I think most of us pretty much have each other added on steam so we shouldn't have much trouble figuring out when someone is playing something right?

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There is apparently an update for L4D2 out today, so if that's the game we're playing, you may want to make sure you have it in time. It's a 326 MB download for me.

Also, which are we doing, L4D1 or L4D2? If it's 1 then I'll have to install that and let it update, if needed.

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I think Left 4 Dead 2 should work, I think it has all the maps from the first game by now anyway.


Good thing you mentioned the update though, I'm doing it now, had to start it myself though, kind of annoying considering all the praise we always give steam for automatic updates. :lol:


Also it seems the mutation right now is Gib Fest so that could be pretty fun to play tonight.

Edited by Deathmineral

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