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Damn, blizzard must have drank some epic fail sauce cuz their last patch was totally retarded.


Zerg are so imba now. Everyone just roach rushes or zergling rushes. It's really annoying cuz I can't win a single game vs zerg, but the worst thing is that noobs that can't play the game to save their lives end up with ez wins.

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Damn, blizzard must have drank some epic fail sauce cuz their last patch was totally retarded.


Zerg are so imba now. Everyone just roach rushes or zergling rushes. It's really annoying cuz I can't win a single game vs zerg, but the worst thing is that noobs that can't play the game to save their lives end up with ez wins.


what did the patch change exactly? ...attack rates/damage? ...build times?


I know everyone was complaining Zerg was too weak, but imo the only too weak about them was Hydra being too slow - they need a movement increase like they had in SC1/BW.

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what did the patch change exactly? ...attack rates/damage? ...build times?


I know everyone was complaining Zerg was too weak, but imo the only too weak about them was Hydra being too slow - they need a movement increase like they had in SC1/BW.

yea, they were, and I do think that zergie was a bit weak but now it's wayyyyyyyyyyyy to powerful. Basically they bufed the zerg and nerfed everything else.


I don't remember every single update but the most important ones were that the Spawning pool's life is now 1000 which is the same as the Nexus's life. That's stupid. Then there's the roach range which has gone from 3 to 4 which is also stupid since they were already pretty powerful as an early unit. You can see the patch notes on the starcraft2 website. It's 1.1.2. I could just start playing zerg right now and win every single game using my balls to micro and macro instead of my hands.

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Not home atm or I would just download the patch myself just to see.


- Roach Range - this got upgraded, seriously? ...wow, the roach was already one of their best early units

- Spawning Pool = 1000hp? - ...again, WOW. Then Gateway and Barracks should be 1000hp


Can deal with the spawning pool change, but roach range upgrade sounds stupid. Fix Hydras, not Roaches :ouch:

It's the mid-game Zerg are weak on, not the early game.

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Not home atm or I would just download the patch myself just to see.


- Roach Range - this got upgraded, seriously? ...wow, the roach was already one of their best early units

- Spawning Pool = 1000hp? - ...again, WOW. Then Gateway and Barracks should be 1000hp


Can deal with the spawning pool change, but roach range upgrade sounds stupid. Fix Hydras, not Roaches :ouch:

It's the mid-game Zerg are weak on, not the early game.

with this update, who needs mid game. just 6pool and win some games.





I also forgot to mention that the Reapers' Nitro pack upgrade now requires a Factory since early reaper harass was a problem. This is probably the only good thing that's come out of this patch.

Edited by sack_patrol

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Rant time.


What the hell is going on with this game? Every other league match I play turns into someone trying to pull some kind of sneaky trick and get an easy win. It's really annoying, but I feel more sad than pissed off because all those people couldn't play sc2 to save their miserable lives, and instead of either not playing, or just trying to play a normal game, they do all this bs. And I'm not even exaggerating. I've played less real matches in the last week than I have played against cannon rushes and 6pools.


This last game I just played was a PvZ, and the noob made his 6 pool, made 4 zerglings, then took them along with all his workers and attacked my base. Luckily I was able to wall off with pylons and a gateway. After I got my zealot I attacked with that and all my workers and I killed him. I couldn't imagine what could be going through this idiot's head or anyone else that does this on the ladders.


Laddering should be much harder than it is, so that noobies that do this crap can stay in Bronze and not bother me.

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Rant time.


What the hell is going on with this game? Every other league match I play turns into someone trying to pull some kind of sneaky trick and get an easy win. It's really annoying, but I feel more sad than pissed off because all those people couldn't play sc2 to save their miserable lives, and instead of either not playing, or just trying to play a normal game, they do all this bs. And I'm not even exaggerating. I've played less real matches in the last week than I have played against cannon rushes and 6pools.


This last game I just played was a PvZ, and the noob made his 6 pool, made 4 zerglings, then took them along with all his workers and attacked my base. Luckily I was able to wall off with pylons and a gateway. After I got my zealot I attacked with that and all my workers and I killed him. I couldn't imagine what could be going through this idiot's head or anyone else that does this on the ladders.


Laddering should be much harder than it is, so that noobies that do this crap can stay in Bronze and not bother me.


Keep in mind it's way different than ICCUP, the skill difference in top 5,000 Diamond players is way bigger than your average Diamond player against a Bronze player. You're going to run into a lot of cheese.


- Roach Range - this got upgraded, seriously? ...wow, the roach was already one of their best early units

- Spawning Pool = 1000hp? - ...again, WOW. Then Gateway and Barracks should be 1000hp


A spawning pool is not a unit producing structure.


1 gate FE was a bit powerful without the range upgrade.

Edited by tkrow21

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I do a 6 pool 8 zergling rush (1 drone to extractor, build another zergling, another drone to extractor, build another zergling, then cancel my extractors and use those drones for mineral harvesting). While I'm microing doing hit and runs with my 8 zerglings, I build an overlord, more drones, a Queen, get 100 gas to upgrade zergling speed (switching those drones mining gas back to minerals), build 24 more zerglings to hit the enemy's harvesting units, then expand to a 2nd Hatchery, and start making a few more zerglings for scouting, and roaches/hydras. Extra minerals I build spores and nydus canals, and there's nothing the enemy can do to stop the fast expansion and constant nuisance that is the zerg.

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I do a 6 pool 8 zergling rush (1 drone to extractor, build another zergling, another drone to extractor, build another zergling, then cancel my extractors and use those drones for mineral harvesting). While I'm microing doing hit and runs with my 8 zerglings, I build an overlord, more drones, a Queen, get 100 gas to upgrade zergling speed (switching those drones mining gas back to minerals), build 24 more zerglings to hit the enemy's harvesting units, then expand to a 2nd Hatchery, and start making a few more zerglings for scouting, and roaches/hydras. Extra minerals I build spores and nydus canals, and there's nothing the enemy can do to stop the fast expansion and constant nuisance that is the zerg.


What about a wall off and outmacroing you?

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Then back off for banelings.

easy pray for anyone with basic knowledge of Stalker micro or stim marines. Plus, if you try to transition like that, your opponent will kill you since you're trying to do too much things at the same time, and u end up with everything and nothing at the same time.

Edited by sack_patrol

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