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14k On 3dmark01


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ok... ive been tweaking my settings like crazy and i cant seem to squeeze the extra 529 onion points that i need to crack 14k, im currently running the 45.32 det drivers with dx9.1, core is at 315mhz and ram is at 621.4mhz (no texture tearing), i run with nothing on except firewall ( turning off firewall srews up my connection to futuremark for some reason ) my weakpoints seem to be the second car chase where im averaging 60+ fps and nature where im also averaging 60+ fps


Compare URL: http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=7469544


currently im scoring 13471 but when i get that close to a higher mark, i need to get it. would using a forceware driver (53.04) improve my score at all? also do the force ware drivers interact better with dx9.1? there was also an option that i saw for motherboard chipset compatibility for my vid card ( which makes sence since they are both ASUS ) i know alot of you might say just try... but i just want some feed back if anyone has figured out a few tricks tha ti cant seem to find, ive googled for tweaks tricks and mods and come almost pretty much dry cept a few small tips that got me an extra 156 points over my previos high score, also, any feed back on those forceware drivers would be apreciated


ASUS V9280/TD Ti4200 8x AGP 128mb

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Kalu i have Crucial ram also and can't lower my timings.....

Try to tighten mine and bam.... gota take my mobo battery out and reset it...

Try some diff't ram.. Im planning on upgrading mine along with my mobo so i can o/c the heck outa my 2.8c..

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Here are the steps I would take:


1. Reformat the HDD and go DX8.1: I've seen 600 ponits just from this

2. Do some XP Tweaks: 100 Points maybe

3. Set your 3dMark priority to real-time in task-manager when you run 3DMark

4. Run each test seperately, I wait about 3 min in between tests to let the card cool


Try those things, you'll see some improvement

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