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Cell Phone Carriers


Which cell phone carrier do you use?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Which cell phone carrier do you use?

    • Verizon
    • AT&T
    • Sprint
    • Nextel
    • Cingular
    • T-Mobile
    • Any of the pre-paid/pay-as-you-go plans
    • Other (specify below)
    • I don't own a cell phone.

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Well, i saw someone had posted a thread asking about cell phone providers ( http://forums.overclockersclub.com/?showtopic=17593&hl= ), and when i first saw it, i thought to myself, "this should have been a poll", so here it is :P


Let's see the provider of choice for OCCers.


(I'm in the Eastern US, so if there's any western-only companies out there, sorry for leaving them off the list...but these are the ones i've seen commercials for)



I use Verizon :) (used to use AT&T, but it sucked)

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link didnt work, please update

the link is correct....it's just OCC's linking system is messed up right now...when it pops up a new window, it doesn't link it properly....just copy the link into a new window, or delete all the junk up to and including the question mark.

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I use cingular right now, but if I had a choice I would take there phone and service and shove it some place really uncomfortable. Roaming charges all over my "coverage area" there a joke, I would never use them again if I had a choice.

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voted for T-Mobile since that is who I have mine and my wife's phone with, but also have a company phone through Cingular. If T-Mobile had rollover minutes I would be much happier, but otherwise, I'd say they are about the same. Where one doesn't pick up, the other will, so I am always connected. :-)

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ive had tmobile for the last couple of months and ive been really happy with their service. Havent had any dropped calls and they are always clear. That is of course unless im talking to my dad (who has att) then the calls are dropped all the time (crappy att).


go tmobile!

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I use Nextel.. been with them for about 3 years now, and just signed a new 2 year deal. The prices are pretty high (I pay $100+/mo), but the service is next to none. Thing about Nextel though is it is more of a "Business Cell Phone Company" rather than a "Everyone Cell Phone Company" like most places.... at least they are now. They will be doing some new stuff in the next 6 months that will start catering to the consumer markets. - camera Phones, etc.


I've used Sprint PCS and US Cell (TN, NC, SC, AR, FL, KY, GA, AL areas), and I've been displeased with both. Actually canceled my account with both companies and paid the early termination fee because I was so unhappy with the service.


Version is also pretty good in these areas. The company I contract to uses them, and I was stuck with one for a year. Couldn't find a place that the darn phone would lose signal. :(

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I have a T-Mobile.... Although my area gets the worst dropped calls... it is getting slightly better.

However they have the best rates

$49.99 for 3000 ANYTIME minutes nothing beats that..


I used to have Nextel, but like D3 said about their $100 a month for a phone/radio bill is ridiculous IMO. (u gotta pay double the taxes with a Nextel one for radio, and one for cellphone)

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