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So yeah tomorrow me and my father will go to order the parts and so far we have this:


Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-880GM-UD2H

Processor: AMD Phenom II x4 965 BE

Processor cooler: ZALMAN CNPS9900NT

Graphics card: GIGABYTE Radeon HD 5770 or 8530 (or something like that, need you opinion on that one)

Hard drive: Western Digital 1TB

Memory: Patriot 2x2GB 1333MHZ

Power supply: ~750w (haven't decided on the brand)

Case: THERMALTAKE ELEMENT T or Cooler master 690


guys help me decide on the graphics card, 'cause we will have 1900x1080 monitor and I'm afraid that new games will lag out... I will use this pc for gaming and some frapsing, video making stuff...

I would go for a 5870 or 5970 if I could afford them but yeah..

And 5850 is in my price range, but my shop doesn't have it

so yeah guys give me some feedback

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how about the gtx 470?

and go for the corsair 750 tx or coolermaster gx 750 w,every thin else looks fine but if u put a little money u can get the amd thuban 1055t,which performs better and more overclockable.

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So yeah tomorrow me and my father will go to order the parts and so far we have this:


Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-880GM-UD2H

Processor: AMD Phenom II x4 965 BE

Processor cooler: ZALMAN CNPS9900NT

Graphics card: GIGABYTE Radeon HD 5770 or 8530 (or something like that, need you opinion on that one)

Hard drive: Western Digital 1TB

Memory: Patriot 2x2GB 1333MHZ

Power supply: ~750w (haven't decided on the brand)

Case: THERMALTAKE ELEMENT T or Cooler master 690


guys help me decide on the graphics card, 'cause we will have 1900x1080 monitor and I'm afraid that new games will lag out... I will use this pc for gaming and some frapsing, video making stuff...

I would go for a 5870 or 5970 if I could afford them but yeah..

And 5850 is in my price range, but my shop doesn't have it

so yeah guys give me some feedback



You could get two Asus 5770 CuCore, which will be around $260 after rebates from newegg. That would be better than a 5850 in performance especially if you are looking to overclock.

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I don't think that my motherboard does support more than one graphics card, but that you for your point. I'll do a research on that.


@The Smith

Well it doesn't matter if I will jump out of the budged a little, I just cant jump a lot, like from 5770 to 5970 ;D or gtx480.



I love nVidia, but this time we decided to go for AMD/ATI, and I think 470 is a bit out of our price range. It's 1300LT here and now we are going for 5770 which is ~600LT so the price jump is kind of high. 5830 is ~820LT that's affordable. And 5850 has the price like gtx465 ~950LT, but the shop only has asus and other crappy brands of it, and we want gigabyte. Anyways is gigabyte a good brand guys?


And about the processor, we did a research and found out that not many programs support 6 cores and it has only 2.8 ghz, so we decided to go for a faster 4 core processor. Well we have time to change that if you say it's a bad decision.



Well the time won't help us, we have the cash we just don't want to overpay for everything, and we want to have everything in a moderate amount of cash.


Thanks for the fast responses.

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If ur not goin to upgrade in a year or so ,u should go for the 1055t,its the same, like before games used to use only two cores so ppl bought only dual but now games use all 4 cores so in the future games will use all 6 cores,and in reviews the 1055t is faster than the 965,ya its clocked at 2.8 but it has turbo core which auto overclocks ur cpu to 3.2 in intensive benchs,games,etc.

Read this according 2 this its like 2 5770s giving like 37 average frames at 1920x1200,but ur gonna have to get a crossfire capable mobo like this Gigabyte GA-890GPA-UD3H ,if u wanna save some dough u can get this one MSI 890GXM-G65 ya that cpu cooler is way over priced its not worth it,this one is way better Thermaltake Frio u can get a 4 ghz overclock with this one.

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There's nothing wrong with an Asus videocard especially if you get the reference card.If you say that store has a 5850 then forget about the Zalman coolerzalman isn't even that good) and get the asus 5850.As far as the PSU you should get the 750w TX from corsair. And since it'll be for gaming don't listen to the guys trying to recommend you a different CPU . The one you chose is good enough and with today's fast processors they don't matter that much in performance since they are bottlenecked by videocards.

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Sorry for double post but look what I've found



5770 avg 19fps in crysis 0xAA .............. wtf, what would I do.. :/

That review/testing is complete garbage. It doesn't even state what the settings are, but if you could easily get 30+ FPS average with a 5770 if you tweak your settings a bit (as in, don't choose Ultra and High for everything). Check some of the old 5770 reviews here and I'm sure you'll see better numbers than what that site is showing.

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