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Cheap dust filter solution

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I'm a smoker. I smoke about half a pack a day. Since I also game (alot), at least half of those cigarettes are while I'm on the computer. My computer is freaking dusty as hell. Like seriously, so much dust. I'm gonna go clean it out right now with some canned air, but I would like some ideas on what to use to keep dust outside my case.


I read online (in multiple places) that panty-hose is good. I hear there are other things to use, but I had an idea while sitting here. What about paper towels? My case has amazing airflow, so I think I'd be able to still pull air through it.


Any suggestions will be considered. :D

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paper towels are waaaaaaaaay to thick, the panty hose thing is supposed to work great, haven't done it myself tho

Yeah, I just figured that out.


If your fans are high flow then you can use used dryer static sheets.

This might be a good idea.



I think I'll try both (on two different occasions) and see how it affects my temps. :O

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Yeah, I just figured that out.



This might be a good idea.



I think I'll try both (on two different occasions) and see how it affects my temps. :O

i have used pieces of the sheila's nylons in the past; works best if streched a little and double thickness

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Cheesecloth from a local grocery store works extremely well too.


Had to get some for my older Antec 900 over a year ago, got some at Publix for like $2 for a good 4-5 feet.


Since it's cloth you can also wash them, which for me was a plus :D

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I've used/am using the nylons and they work great. I usually stretch them over those perforated metal bits of cases, as they're easier to clean that way (just brush them every few days). AC filter also works well. It's fairly cheap and you can cut it into whatever shape you like.

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AC filter also works well. It's fairly cheap and you can cut it into whatever shape you like.

damn, why didn't i think of that ?...that's a really good idea; i bet i remember next time !!

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+1 to the static dryer sheet. If there is a place for a fan filter then you could is a bit of A/C home system Filter materiel If you have that laying around. It will flow good and trap crap. Or even scotch Brit but a little stretched.


Bishop245 Ran into the same issue with his computer here back, He got his proc up to 100c and for whatever reason it lived..... that will learn him to turn ON the emergency shut down.


Also, Have you seen these by chance?

200mm fan filter

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