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P4c800-e Or Ic7-max3?

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I'm building a new rig in April. Right now, I'm haveing a tough time decideing on wich board. I know the Prescots are comeing but right now I'm focusing on these 2 boards. I would like to hear from you guys about these 2 boards.


I will be OCing some but nothing like turning a PII into a 4GHZ. I'm trying to build an economical rig that will take me for another 2-3 years before I go though this again but I don't want to skimp on quality at the same time. I'm mainly looking for performance. I play some grahpic entence games so I'll be doing more than just folding with it



Abit IC7-Max3


P4C800-E Deluxe

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IC7-MAX3 is a very very good... I would get that heres a review from hardocp


I wonder if Abit ever got all the problems fixed with the Vdimm? Last I had heard they had about half of the problems fixed, I took 2 new ones back and got Asus, I would love to have the Abit if they get the problems fixed

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The vdimm problem is fixed, the vTT isn't, but....Alot of guys blame their woes on the vTT and vdimm issue, when actually it isn't causing their problem. Before I had all of my vmods and board mods done, I had no trouble with either of mine. I ran a 3.0-3.2v vdimm 24/7 with no instability on a 1GHz OC. Now both of my boards have been modded by a guy over at XS, so their quite nice :D


My vote goes for the Max3, just cause I own 2 of them.

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