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Do You Belive In God?



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  1. 1. Do You Belive In God?

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Calyco - I did not create the white-hole theory, but if you would try and get a copy of that book then you would understand why I believe it to be a far better theory than evolution ;).


I didn't understand the first half of your post, so could you re-word it please? It's very fragmented, and being as it's not in paragraphs it gave me a headache =P kidding. But all can see is you giving your opinions, and then say using the bible that way falsifies what it says? Sorry, but it made no sense! You also say my understanding of the Bible is not very deep or true, ok then - so exactly when have I had a situation in which I needed to literally quote the bible so far? I have not, I have stated my own opinions based on what I can detect with my own five senses, and things which I believe to be true. Give me one way I do not understand in depth what the bible says and I'll correct you ;).

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DavidPartay I highly doubt that you can rebuke what has been said by myself. I made mention of when you stated that the earth was created in seven days. I made it quite clear where in your statement you said so. You are much like many other Bible beaters. I find that conversing with you is pointless. You have one way in mind and that is God's/your way. I think that to carry this topic any further would be useless. One question, do you even mod, overclock, tinker, or do anything to your computer or did you stumble upon this site by a friend and think it would be great to post your Jesus Christ superstar beliefs and argue at rediculous ends. Discussions like these never end. I would encourage you to read as well. Pick up Feuerbach or Flew, two great thinkers on theological grounds. Feuerbach makes claim that we truly project our own beliefs and ideals into our "God", while Flew questions what is the point of religion? Take these and read and I'll read yours. I hope that all though you seem to be a conservative, which is not bad, be an open minded conservative. Maybe we're all wrong!

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Calyco, you totally disregard the point in my beliefs.


What is so ludicrous about me reading the bible and taking the 7 Creation days as LITERAL days? Absolutely nothing! Why is it really so impossible for God to do it in that period of time? He could have done it in an instant if He wanted to. I don't need to read theological works BY MEN when I have a perfectly written reference written by the guy who created the universe in the first place!


You're more than welcome to check my thread on the main overclocking forum "Over/underclocking software". Also, I am a computer technician by trade, and I have performed a LOT of tweaks on my computer over time, not to mention the knowledge I have of computer programming in C++, BASIC, VB and Pascal/Delphi. I don't actually do much programming anymore, and I'm going to start teaching drums soon.


Does that answer your question? I came here, I started my thread, I saw this topic on the forum list page, had a look, read the first couple of pages, and then put my opinions down.

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god this thread has been going on forever...

just cause someone doesn't believe in god, does

not make them ignorant... I could go on about

how I dont believe in god but I choose not to because

I dont feel like going into it and having to counter a bunch

of posts that claim to have 'proof' of god and such which

really isnt... no offense to anyone and Im not saying

everyone who would counter is going to come back w/ some kind

of arguement that makes no sense, just I get that a lot...

but ya... some ppl believe, some ppl dont... good for us all...

whoever has to argue there side to make themself feel better,

disregarding which side they are on, has bigger problems...

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  • 2 weeks later...

well....hmmm...you know guys....this IS the alley...and this ISN'T a modding etc etc subject...it IS pretty much open to anyone with an opinion on the matter...or to anyone who just feels like arguing ;) ...as for my opinion...I believe in GOD.....but don't ask me to explain it...or give a text book answer...or write 5 paragraphs stating facts that prove that GOD exists and that I am right and everyone who doesn't believe is wrong....Do I read the bible?...yes..i've read it beginning to end...and I think it is a very good book...written a long time ago...not by God...but by people...just like you and me...who make mistakes......books were voted into the bible...and others were left out...why?....because a group ..errr.....council of men decided so.....so they put the bible together..and then it was translated...and things were translated many many different times...by many many different people....and now everybody pretty much makes up their own explanations and meanings..and every scripture has its own book of explanations, meanings, translations etc etc.....but I digress....most people "text book" things to death...everything MUST be scientifically proven etc etc...some people must see things with their own eyes...touch them with their own hands....have some miracle happen in their own lives...before they will believe in anything. Do you know why it's called having faith? I believe in God because there's nothing else to believe in....there has to be something better ...to believe that we just evolved and that we will just turn into dust and thats it...well..it's rather depressing..and if there's nothing more meant for us...than to live in a world like this...survive the "rat race" and then die.....there would be nothing to keep me going.....to all the scientists that try to explain God away...I say get a life....if you don't want to believe fine....but don't try to "kill" someone elses faith because of your selfish hunger to be right....cause even if I am wrong and it is just one big "fairy tale"....it's a good one..and what the hell does it hurt? And besides for those of us that have true faith...nothing will ever change our minds...and for those of you who don't believe......it would be exercising futility for me to try to change your mind...so why do people even bother :blink:

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