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Remembering Verran Contest


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If you look at the top and click search and search by his name all of his posts are or threads he posted in while show up. Just depends on how you look it up.

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Like some, I haven't been around the forums for some time. I'm saddened by the condition of my return. It's guys like Verran who took the time help out fellow OC'ers, even the ones with dumb questions or just getting started out that make forums like these such a wealth of information.


My condolences to his family and friends.

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They are here.


If you look at the top and click search and search by his name all of his posts are or threads he posted in while show up. Just depends on how you look it up.

You are forgetting the legendary OCC Server Crash though... had to remember it when I wrote the Email about Ryan, cause the thread I am referring to was lost during the crash sadly (nope, nothing to do with Peanut Butter :lol:).


Good to see you again P8!

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A great idea for a contest to remember him by Dave.

I hope all the emails you get that you can post a summary or highlights of the best.

Cancer is such a bad disease, my father-in-law died late last summer we only knew he had it less than a year.

All I can say is Verran will be missed so much and to all the OC members fold as much as you can!

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omg is that this http://www.titan-cd.com/em/bbq-g.htm


if so, my hat is of to you sir :)

I was thinking the same thing.. :blush:


Anyway, sent my email in. It is a little short, but I feel I got my overall message across. Ryan helped me out, and he will be missed by many. This is a great way to remember him. And guys, the prizes are awesome, but I would write a letter/email even if there were no prizes. Let's not forget what this is all about, even though Ryan would enjoy the goodies. :lol:

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May I just say I think everyone is devastated and From me and my family we wish to express our condolences, He will be missed not only from the staff of OCC but everyone in the community.

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