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I need to find a motherboard

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So, I was sitting in the beer store picking out something for this weekend. My cell phone rings, and it is Wayne from Mushkin. I was lucky enough to be one of the winners in the OCC Christmas contest. I had won 4 GB of DDR2 RAM. Due to the holidays and CES, I hadn

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Any thoughts on a good 790X or so based motherboard? Should I go the 785G route?


Current components I have here and ready to install:


Athlon II X3 435 Processor AM3 Socket - Eventual upgrade to Phenom II X4

Sunbeam Core Contact

4 GB (2x2GB )Mushkin Blackline DDR3

Sapphire HD 4890 Vapor-X for now, upgrade in a year or so

640 GB WD Caviar Black

Lite-On DVD-RW

Mushkin XP-650 PSU

Antec P180 Big Ol' Mid-Tower case

Edited by Scott P

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ok I am getting a bit confused


so you do have DDR3 memory otw is this correct?

and your AMD Athlon II X3 this is AM3 correct?


well then, sounds like an easy choice!

you want the newest north/southbridge without a doubt.

probably you want to stay away from usb3.0 for now

however, you do want SATA 3.0

if you ever plan to crossfire make sure the second PCI-E slot is at least x8 speed



some Asus motherboards will NOT recognize AM3 chips with C3 stepping

the bios must be updated beforehand so you must have a way to do this

your athlon II should be fine though, just stating this in case u order a new processor as well


here is some decent budget choices

Asus M4A79XTD

I prefer Gigabyte though, and it has SATA 3.o

Gigabyte GA-790XTA-UD4

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I would go with a Gigabyte GA-MA790XT-UD4P - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16813128378



I have to agree with this post....


the 790X boards are just very nice...


and the Mushkin will make a nice home in there...


I just built a 780G board rig for a friend and after 2 sets of non-compatible ram I had a set of Mushkin Black that worked very nice...Kudos to them you will be happy...


Bosco tries his best to care of the people who take care of him...IE all you members...


It's all because of ALL you members that OCC is here...


It's just OCC's way of giving back to the community....

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It looks like one of those two Gigabyte boards will work great. I can get it ordered from The Egg today and have my revamped machine up and running by the weekend. The Gigabyte board with the USB 3.0 was actually part of a very nicely priced 965 combo at Fry's a few weeks ago.

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