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Is everything moving to Blu-Ray??


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I think that Kash made some pretty eloquent observations and thoughts about BR in general. Having just delved into my first BR player (via LG BR player for my HTPC) I can say from my observation that overall PQ is definitely better than upscaled DVD's on my Panasonic DVD player. The difference isn't drastic, but it is certainly there. My disclaimer is that I'm viewing both on a Sammy 50" 720P plasma screen that is a couple years old in the tooth now. Still I can see a difference and I don't consider myself an audiophile/videophile in any terms.


As Kash pointed out... economies of scale will be a big factor in the long term acceptance/adoption and pricing of BR players and media. As more consumers adopt the BR medium then mfg companies will slowly begin to retool facilities to produce more BR players than DVD players, and at some point today's DVD players will become extinct, just like 8-track players and reel-to-reel tape players did. As more people purchase BR hardware, the entertainment industry will shift production of DVDs over to BR. It is all part of "progress". At some point in the future BR will suffer the same evolutionary fate as all forms of media/mediums have in the past. It will be supplanted by the next wave of technology.


I also agree that as business models such as Hulu, Netflix and Blockbuster "Watch Instantly" technology continue to evolve and permeate the mainstream that they will have a huge impact on how people choose to spend their money and their leisure time. Personally the advent of Hulu and other internet based telecast companies has been a blessing. And I'm completely addicted to Netflix. A simple monthly charge and I can choose what titles I want to have delivered (most available in DVD and BR) or choose something to watch instantly. The best $10.99 I ever spend every month.

Edited by wevsspot

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all this talk of blu ray being too expensive seems a little outdated to me. DVD was just as bad when it was first introduced, and i think we're now at the point where the cost of BR is not unreasonable.


here in the UK we're seeing BD-ROM drives for

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Upscaled DVDs look pretty good, but there's simply no beating a true high def source like Blu-Ray in terms of quality. The difference in quality is simply astounding. It's why I've switched to downloading Blu-Ray rips instead of DVD rips of movies. The file size is much larger, but it's also very much worth it.

Oh yeah, I always get the BRrips too since upscaling won't occur on a compressed dvdrip file (thus bridging the quality difference VERY far apart)


You need to sit down and watch an actual BluRay movie; upscaled DVDs don't even come close to a good BluRay movie (especially on larger screens).




I'll never be able to fully enjoy Bluray until we get rid of our dumb 1080i/720p DLP. That's probably why I can't see much of a difference.

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Oh yeah, I always get the BRrips too since upscaling won't occur on a compressed dvdrip file (thus bridging the quality difference VERY far apart)



Your media player upscales just like any DVD player will. There's not much difference between an upscaling DVD player and good DVD playing software (or any video software playing a DVDrip).


Sure, rips vary in quality, but the difference between a good DVDrip and a DVD is next to nil.


Can your DLP actually display 1920x1080? Even on my old 720p DLP the difference between BluRay and DVD was incredibly obvious.

Edited by Waco

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I don't think Blu-Ray is going to take over very soon, because for the most part DVD's do fine. I've compared my Blu-Ray movies to my Dad's DVD's of the same movies (currently that is limited to the Star Trek movies, from their most recently release, specifically Star Trek's II and III) and the Blu-Rays were not fantastically better. Yes they were better, but, visually, there is not always the much to benefit from HD. However, the most staggering difference, in video, between DVD's and Blu-Rays that I have noticed is in the compression. I do not notice as many artifacts on my Blu-Rays than on DVD's, and that does stand out. For audio though, I also notice differences between the DVD audio and Blu-Ray audio.

Admittedly, my primary monitor for movies is a 22" TV that running at just 720p. I would still say though that with the exception of more modern movies, provided the remastering of the film to a digital media, whether it be DVD or Blu-Ray, is the key thing. If the transfer is good, then the media does not matter so much. Since Blu-Ray is the upcoming standard and its players capabilities can be improved via firmware updates, it will eventually beat out DVD, but I'd say at least two to three years, unless 3D takes off soon, then about half a year to a year sooner.

Perhaps I should also point out that the comparisons I have done have been on an Oppo BDP-83, which is one of the top rated Blu-Ray players you can find for both Blu-Rays, DVD upscaling, and general video processing, so that could have had an impact on the DVD's apparent video quality.

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Admittedly, my primary monitor for movies is a 22" TV that running at just 720p.


22" TV? - strike one

720p? - strike two

please tell me you have terrible vision for strike three :P


but seriously, the benefits of blu-ray are ESPECIALLY apparent on larger, 1080p TV's. I would personally say that 37" is the minimum size that really starts to "matter" (if that makes sense) for blu-ray

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22" TV? - strike one

720p? - strike two

please tell me you have terrible vision for strike three :P


but seriously, the benefits of blu-ray are ESPECIALLY apparent on larger, 1080p TV's. I would personally say that 37" is the minimum size that really starts to "matter" (if that makes sense) for blu-ray

On a 40" set it's very noticeable, 50" set it's obvious, and on a 60" set it's impossible not to notice (DVDs almost look bad on such a big screen). :lol:

Edited by Waco

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I don't think Blu-Ray is going to take over very soon, because for the most part DVD's do fine. I've compared my Blu-Ray movies to my Dad's DVD's of the same movies (currently that is limited to the Star Trek movies, from their most recently release, specifically Star Trek's II and III) and the Blu-Rays were not fantastically better. Yes they were better, but, visually, there is not always the much to benefit from HD. However, the most staggering difference, in video, between DVD's and Blu-Rays that I have noticed is in the compression. I do not notice as many artifacts on my Blu-Rays than on DVD's, and that does stand out. For audio though, I also notice differences between the DVD audio and Blu-Ray audio.

Admittedly, my primary monitor for movies is a 22" TV that running at just 720p. I would still say though that with the exception of more modern movies, provided the remastering of the film to a digital media, whether it be DVD or Blu-Ray, is the key thing. If the transfer is good, then the media does not matter so much. Since Blu-Ray is the upcoming standard and its players capabilities can be improved via firmware updates, it will eventually beat out DVD, but I'd say at least two to three years, unless 3D takes off soon, then about half a year to a year sooner.

Perhaps I should also point out that the comparisons I have done have been on an Oppo BDP-83, which is one of the top rated Blu-Ray players you can find for both Blu-Rays, DVD upscaling, and general video processing, so that could have had an impact on the DVD's apparent video quality.


Pardon my bluntness, but that is a horrible comparison. Yes, comparing the same movie on two different mediums is indeed the most obvious way to compare quality differences, but you used movies that predate both technologies that you're trying to compare. Those movies weren't designed to be viewed in high definition, let alone the quality you get out of DVDs. What you need to do is compare a more recent movie that was shot in high definition, only then can you truly see the difference between DVD and Blu-Ray.

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Pardon my bluntness, but that is a horrible comparison. Yes, comparing the same movie on two different mediums is indeed the most obvious way to compare quality differences, but you used movies that predate both technologies that you're trying to compare. Those movies weren't designed to be viewed in high definition, let alone the quality you get out of DVDs. What you need to do is compare a more recent movie that was shot in high definition, only then can you truly see the difference between DVD and Blu-Ray.


+1 compare Transformers 2 on DVD & on Blu-Ray and tell me how big the differences are

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Blu-Ray is most definately the new media over DVD, you can get good blu-ray players now for 150 dollars , and alot of the movies are the same price as DVD's 9.99 each and some are 14.99, though there are still more expensive 30 dollar ones, but those are more expensive because they useually come with digital copies. If you just get the blu - ray movie only they are same price as regular dvds in most cases.

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Can your DLP actually display 1920x1080? Even on my old 720p DLP the difference between BluRay and DVD was incredibly obvious.

It can run in 1080 mode (and everything looks blurry as hell, and usually only goes to 1080 if I force it to with my laptop)

I think my PS3 only runs movies in 720p, some games play at 1080i but the 720p still looks cleaner

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