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Metro 2033


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There's no denying that. :lol::P


Personally, I can't stand windowed mode. I always get distracted by something else going on outside of the game. Full screen doesn't allow that because it forces you to focus entirely on the game and fully immerses you in the game. Windowed mode? Not really.

I suppose it depends a bit on how many monitors you have. I have 3, two 20" on the sides and a nice 28" TV in the middle. I think that 28" size does have something to do with why the game holds my attention better than anything on other two monitors. Also, nothing happens on the 28" while I'm gaming as well, the TV is really just for games and movies only, almost nothing else ever happens on it, so I think that's where I perhaps eliminate that part about "something else going on outside of the game". Another thing about my preference of window mode, I love to multitask, it's one of my biggest reasons for being a PC gamer, and I know it sounds like that should subtract from a game for me but it really doesn't, I'm not sure if I can explain that part very well though, if I had to explain it, I think it's because it's something I only do during the loading screens usually, I don't know if that explains it or not but it really doesn't take away from a game for me.


As for my dislike of fullscreen, well that has a lot to do with my love of multitasking, it's kind of hard for me to like something that interferes with something I like. The other reason I dislike fullscreen, and this can be fixed, I'm not saying this is something I can't solve, but it's also the fact that I can't really play games at my TV's resolution, 1920x1200, so when I play a game fullscreen, it's usually at a resolution of about 1680x1050 or 1440x900, and that means the extra desktop space on the TV will get pushed onto another monitor, and that really screws with my window arrangement as it pushes windows around all over the place, and unfortunately it goes to the monitor with 7 windows as opposed to the other one that only have Firefox and the Taskbar.


Also, just to touch up on the point about how nothing else happens on the gaming monitor, that goes so far as to me disabling steam notifications, none of that stuff pops up over my game, that would definitely distract me from a game.


So ya... that's how I roll...


Also, if this is TLDR for you, too bad, you asked for an explanation. :P

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One problem to be able to play games at 1920x1200 is to either upgrade your video card or Crossfire it. BluePanda is currently offering a 4850 so Crossfire could be a cheap upgrade path for you.


I don't really multitask when I game, never have really. Sure, sometimes I'll open the Steam browser to check on a link Andrewr05 sends me but that is usually during a game I can pause easily, like DA2. Other than that, I'm all in on the game. I have one 24" screen (also 1920x1200) and I've run every single game at full screen and at the maximum resolution. The one exception to that was Mass Effect 1 where I had to drop it down to 1680x1050 when I had my 8800GTX, but after getting the 5770 I no longer had to. All other games are at 1920x1200, even more so now that I'm running Crossfire.


Maybe I just don't understand the point of having other stuff going on during a game. For me, I play video games to escape everything else. Games are how I unwind after a long day of class/work and frankly, I want to lop off someone's head or blow up a small city to get rid of any stress. I don't want to check on some forum thread or watch videos or something, I want to freaking game and get away from outside things for a few hours or so.

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One problem to be able to play games at 1920x1200 is to either upgrade your video card or Crossfire it. BluePanda is currently offering a 4850 so Crossfire could be a cheap upgrade path for you.


Maybe I just don't understand the point of having other stuff going on during a game. For me, I play video games to escape everything else. Games are how I unwind after a long day of class/work and frankly, I want to lop off someone's head or blow up a small city to get rid of any stress. I don't want to check on some forum thread or watch videos or something, I want to freaking game and get away from outside things for a few hours or so.

Ya, like I said, the video card isn't really that big of a problem, I can fix it, I just don't want to do it right now.


I guess it has to do with the way a person unwinds really. I like to chat with my friends on steam or on here to unwind a bit, I don't really get worked up over anything conversations I have typically so it's just enjoyable discussion for me. I also like to play a game or watch a movie to unwind as well, so combining the two is pretty relaxing to me.


Also, I'm a pretty darn laid back person already anyway, so I never really want to lop off someone's head or blow up a small city... unless we mean in video games, then I do, however I prefer they be zombie heads, much easier to lop off :D . For me just about anything i do on the computer is probably going to get me away from outside things.

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Yes, I meant lopping off heads/blowing up cities in video game terms. :P:lol: I mean, I do have a kukri so I could lop off heads in town but the whole issue of the police getting involved makes it a no go.


Like I said, games are how I unwind. I don't have many other methods, its either play a game or watch a movie/TV show. I don't drink or do drugs so for me, getting rid of stress means playing a video game. Gaming is my habit, its why I have well over 350 games.


I use to play competitively and was super into it, but now I see games as a relaxation method. Odd I know, but its what I do.

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Yes, I meant lopping off heads/blowing up cities in video game terms. :P:lol: I mean, I do have a kukri so I could lop off heads in town but the whole issue of the police getting involved makes it a no go.


Like I said, games are how I unwind. I don't have many other methods, its either play a game or watch a movie/TV show. I don't drink or do drugs so for me, getting rid of stress means playing a video game. Gaming is my habit, its why I have well over 350 games.


I use to play competitively and was super into it, but now I see games as a relaxation method. Odd I know, but its what I do.

I've never been a competitive person at all really, which is probably why I don't like a lot of games that are all about online VS, such as Halo or Call of Duty. I would say the exception to that is CSS or TF2, I don't play either competitively though. However I do really enjoy online gaming in the form of co-op gameplay, such as Left 4 Dead or Killing Floor.


It occurs to me that this thread no longer has anything to do with Metro 2033. :lol:

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I've never been a competitive person at all really, which is probably why I don't like a lot of games that are all about online VS, such as Halo or Call of Duty. I would say the exception to that is CSS or TF2, I don't play either competitively though. However I do really enjoy online gaming in the form of co-op gameplay, such as Left 4 Dead or Killing Floor.


It occurs to me that this thread no longer has anything to do with Metro 2033. :lol:


That happens a lot around here. :lol:


I played the Delta Force games competitively throughout most of high school. Was in the top sniper clan for those games, about 6-9 of us would get together in a server almost every day. After a couple/few years, I got kind of burned out on multiplayer games, other clanmates moved on to Battlefield 2, went back into the military, all sorts of things. Very few of us still get together and game, last time I even gamed with anyone from the old clan was shortly after Bad Company 1 released on the 360.



As for the actual thread, I got Metro 2033 from the latest sale, have it installed, just haven't had a time to sit down with it. Once all my finals are done and papers are turned in, then sure.

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Please let there be

  • Upgradeable armor and/or more badass armor
  • Many more weapons
  • Different monsters
  • More time spent above ground exploring buildings
  • More items to find/collect (so long as it doesn't become some stupid collect X of Y kind of thing)




Metro 2033 was my favorite game of the past few years, I absolutely loved the atmosphere and the sheer adventure of looking around for things.

I wish it was 5 times longer, I would have LOVED to explore every inch of the metro and collect a whole bunch of things.



I talked about it on reddit HERE but it has always been a dream of mine to do some real life urban exploration in Russia.

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I'm working on a possible news item for the homepage, but I will try to go through the trailer and capture stills. There did appear to be some actual gameplay footage in there.


Yep, albeit heavily edited. IMO it was more of a teaser.

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First, this trailer is creepier in slo-mo, so you can see everything, and muted, so you just see but don't hear the screaming faces.

Shotgun Pistol (one shot)

Shotgun pistol.JPG

New monster: scorpion mutant

Scorpian 2.JPG

More dream stuff (notice the faded away fingers)

Tentacle monster.JPG

Bad**s knife action


New rapid fire shotgun (same ammo as the shotgun pistol)

Surface 3.JPG

Most importantly, a breathable surface?

Breathable surface.jpg

It could be how they cut the frame (you can see it isn't the entire screen as part of the ammo icon in the corner is shown) but on the right you cannot see any moisture on the gas mask. Also, on the right you will notice there isn't a crack in the visor as there is on the left, but I remember in Metro 2033 that crack is always there, no matter how good of condition the gas mask was in. Every shot in this trailer that you can see moisture in has those two cracks, but not in this shot. Perhaps there are segments were you don't need the mask on the surface.

The image on the right is the "New rapid fire shotgun" image and the image on the left is this:


The one without the crack actually shows MORE vertically, as you can see by the ammo icon in the lower right hand corner. There is more of the icon shown! I placed the red circle on the right by duplicating the distance from it's edge (the middle of the image) and the edge of the red circle on the left from the edge of the image, so it is in the right place.

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