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Vid Card advice for new mobo


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I just got this, waiting for it to be delivered.


MSI P7N Mobo +Intel E8200 + 2Gig DDR2


If you look at my sig, you will see it is a big improvement over what I have. Now I need video cards to go on it, 2 of them.


Nvidea has been playing with their numbers, so I am a little confusicated as to the performance of the cards out there. I need two cards for about $100 US. I game, but mostly MMO's. LOTRO, Warhammer and DDO are the majority of my time gaming, and I do a little graphics stuff for goofing around.


So my questions is, do I go with the 8XXX series that was current with this MOBO, or the 9XXX series, or the 2XX series that look like the same cards repackaged? I can search out prices myself, I just need some guidance as to what to look for. My current comp is so old it has mummy dust on it...............

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if you want performance definately go for a single more powerful card. a gtx 260 can be had for a little under $170 and they pack quite a punch. what res are you running?

Edited by Jenova69

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if you want performance definately go for a single more powerful card. a gtx 260 can be had for a little under $170 and they pack quite a punch. what res are you running?


1024 x 768. I still have a CRT monitor, a 19 inch one. That will be my next upgrade.


So, using the SLI would not be cost effective?

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I have the same motherboard in my computer and i just wanted to let you know that the pics on ebay have the memory instered wrong. He has his memory in single channel mode, instead of dual. If you have 2 sticks of memory, put them in the 1st and 3rd DIMM slots.


As for the gpu's, 1 fast gpu is better than 2 weak ones. Also, you have a 550W power supply. 2 Gpus might bring it to its knees.


If you want nvidia and have $100 to spend, get a 9800gt (about $90) or a used 9800gtx+

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A gtx 260 core 216 would run that resolution well. It runs at 1440-900 widescreen on my computer and gets no video lag in WoW regardless of location and runs call of duty WAW really good. But when you upgrade I would get a 22 or 24 inch screen tops if you went with the GTX 260. You may experience a big of video lag in games if you run your settings maxed out. "my two cents" boinker



As far as the GTX 260 goes it scales well but I really only notice a 20% difference in frames. But the kicker is its more consistant and lag is not as bad. but to be honest I like a sigle card better:D

Edited by boinker

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I have the same motherboard in my computer and i just wanted to let you know that the pics on ebay have the memory instered wrong. He has his memory in single channel mode, instead of dual. If you have 2 sticks of memory, put them in the 1st and 3rd DIMM slots.


As for the gpu's, 1 fast gpu is better than 2 weak ones. Also, you have a 550W power supply. 2 Gpus might bring it to its knees.


If you want nvidia and have $100 to spend, get a 9800gt (about $90) or a used 9800gtx+


I am gonna have 4 sticks of memory, so that will be fixed. Thanks for the heads up.


Going to look at the 9800gt now. GTX260 looks hot, but may be out of my price range.

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Ok, I think I can pull off the GX260, the 216 version even. That will be a major improvement for me.


Its only got 200 stream processors more then my current 16.........


I am fairly sure my current PSU will be OK, but if I ever get a second 260, that will have to be replaced too.


Next I am gonna get more ram, but I will wait to what EXACTLY is in this MOBO so I can match it.


I will be upgrading all my machines to Windows 7, so I will be able to utilize extra ram later.


Thanks for the advice. I never would have looked at the 260, I thought the 2XX series would be out of my price range.

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look for a 4850 instead of a 9800gt. much better for the price


EDIT: you should be able to find both for ~$100. 4850 dominates the 9800gt at that price range

Edited by ShallowBay

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if you can afford it get a 260 (core 216 only) but if you can't get a 4850


After further research, that is my plan. I am going to need very little to pull this off, and will most likely be able to upgrade the hard drives in both machines ($50 goes a LONG way nowadays).

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