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Time management fail?


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Where do you find the time?

You have too much time on your hands!


If you build it...they will ask where you found the time.

Nobody means to be rude when then ask "where do you find the time?" or they say "you have too much time on your hands!". I understand they mean "wow, that must have taken a long time". I do find it strange that people can spend an entire weekend watching television (sports, dramas, reality shows) and nobody asks or says the same thing. It's almost as if our culture has begun to look down on the concept of putting forth effort. You can waste as much time as you want on any number of endeavors, but if it results in a tangible 'thing' it somehow moves into the realm of needing to be evaluated in terms of how much time you spent on it. Does it really matter? For example: I spent about 60-80 hours on this cabinet. I've probably spent over a hundred hours watching LOST. Which was more worth my time? Anyway...enough ranting...here are more pics.

Above quote from here [steam Punk Arcade Cabinet] , but thats besides the point...


This guy makes an excellent point, I despise people who say that.


I may not accomplish anything as spectacular as this guy but I get that all the time.


Plus I get "Can't you find anything better to do?" in response to being on the computer all the time and "How can you just sit there all the time on the computer?".


Want to know what everyone else does while saying such things?


Watching TV or reading a book, both equally as unimportant and lazy as being on the computer all the time.


Or I'll get something like "what is that gaining you", "how can you sit there destroy perfectly good things" or "why are you taking that apart" in response to me modifying things that I own.


They think if it was meant to be that way then it would have come from the factory that way.


/end rant



How often do you guys hear these things from spouses, girl/boyfriends, friends, siblings, parents etc?

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If someone tells me I am wasting my time doing, well anything really I usually tell them to "shove it" and say "what I am doing is making me happy, why are you wasting your time bothering me about it".

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How often do you guys hear these things from spouses, girl/boyfriends, friends, siblings, parents etc?

I hear that all of the time, and, yes, it really pisses me off. The reality with a lot of people I know is that they don't have the aptitude for computer stuff, so it makes them feel better to put down those who do.

Notice who those tools call when they have a computer problem?

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Another "favorite" of mine is whenever I remember some obscure pop culture fact, I have "too much time on my hands".


Let's see...


can't remember crap and don't pay attention= I'm productive.

have a good memory and are attentive to details= I have too much time on my hands.

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Yeah my roomates sit around and watch tv all the time and they are like why are you always on your computer, I'm like why are you always watching tv? I don't even know why I bought a PS3 I never use it because they are always watching some stupid reality show. The only time I will sit down and watch tv to is if they are watching something on the Discovery Channel or Forensic Files, that show is friggin awesome you learn a lot about what you need to do to cover your tracks if you are gonna commit a murder.

Edited by slick2500

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My roommate is a CompE like me, so I don't hear it from him. My girlfriend is a mechanical engineer...same story.


My dad is just like me, no issues there. I guess my mom is the only person I know who doesn't "get" it. :lol:

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My parents don't get how I spend so much time 1. Working on computers and 2. Studying physics (other than, you know, the fact that this my college major... I kinda need to know it :rolleyes: ). My girlfriend doesn't really understand how I spend so much money on computer parts, but she never complains because she spends just as much on music stuff (which I can't understand! ;) ).


But it is amusing when people complain about someone spending time on computers, then goes and sits their butt in front of the TV for a few hours. I try to be as productive as possible. I do stuff while watching TV/Videos on the computer. I do stuff while playing games. But it's no one's business how I spend my time.

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playing games and fiddling with my computer keeps me sane in this insane world... i still manage to work full time and go to school and when i take a little computer ME time someone still has the gull to complain.. most people who complain about this sorta thing are babbling idiots who sit in front of the tv all the time i dont know what the difference is pc stuff/pcgaming is more productive than tv...

Edited by actionstan

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