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Which Vista?


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who knows what w7 is capable of , i mean if other companys have not made drives to work with W7 , your not going to be doing much , but i think W7(beta) is fine to run , but you may encounter errors if its 64bit W7 ... personaly i would stick with Vista ult sp1 , until W7 is fully released .... hopefuly windows dont make it like the flop Vista Home was

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I went from xp to win 7 and havent looked back. It run fine with almost every game i play. Almost every game on steam runs without a problem. Newer and older games all run better than they did in xp. As for programming, i havent noticed any problems..... yet.

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So even old games like starcraft(Yes I still play it :)) and ArmA will work?

Im just not sure if Win7 can support all the patches for games.(I dont know if makers of game patches make patches that work for Win7, that is my concern)

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So even old games like starcraft(Yes I still play it :)) and ArmA will work?

Im just not sure if Win7 can support all the patches for games.(I dont know if makers of game patches make patches that work for Win7, that is my concern)


Haven't tried SC, but Diablo 2 works

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