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Good 25$ cooler?

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I had a old 92mm from my previous heatsink. it comes with 8 rubber mounts, 4 which go with the fan that comes with it, and the other 4 are for if you want to add the second fan :)



Here's my setup


Edited by Bigevil954

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Well I cannot say I was disappointed with This cooler from Xigmatek.


But i can safly say I am Happy with This coolermaster cooler.


To be honest with you. get something that looks nice and performs. The Coolermast performs much better then the Zigmatek by about 10c average at 100% load. Just need to buy the fans, and I mean to tell you its worth the money. the only trouble with is it kind of pushing the weight limits. lol


If your willing to go a little abroad of your set price range then there is always this cooler from Zulman. Not only is it pure copper but its not a bad price and reputable.


Edited quickly before the grammer police were after me.

Edited by boinker

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What's wrong with your core contact freezer?
My motherboard died on me:(

but i got 100$ to buy a heatsink and mobo because i had to snap my heatsinks bracket to get to the cpu.


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