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GTX285 Overclocking Results


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Hey guys first post so far looks like a great forum here :P


Today i decided to play around with my GTX285 i manged to get to 750/1500/1390 (for reference core/shader/memory) with no problems i didnt push any further as i am short on time at the moment. (things can probaly go further)


I bench marked in crysis and received a 2fps benefit and in far cry 2 i got a 2 and a bit benefit. At first i thought it was my CPU bottle necking i checked usage and it wasnt to high maybe on 70-80% on one core. so i went from 3.1 to 3.3ghz just to make sure it wasnt a bottle neck, it didnt turn out to be.


Bench mark settings:

Vsync off

all settings maxxed



16x AS


System Specs:

CPU - E7300 3.3ghz (pretty sure not a bottleneck)

RAM 2gb 745 mhz gets me around 7200mbps so its not to bad

Windows XP

mobo: P5Q SE/R PCIE 2.0 etc etc

the gfx card is an inno3d

Cooling is not a problem, its pretty decent actually lol



and a question is that a normal result from an overclock like that or should i be seeing more??

all input help is highly appreciated, thanks =]

Edited by kozary

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I'm suprised you see any improvement at that resolution you could cut the stock clocks in half and still run the games with 60+fps with that card.



really? . i didnt realize the resolution meant that much. but i read that u should see around 10% its not quite that 10%

lol i supouse 10% is . all.


but the resolution shouldn't change the amount of performance increase should it, i thought it was a mixture of how much it had to render resolution other settings etc.


so basically thats nominal eh?



btw mate....gtx285 isnt that powerful it can barely run crysis warhead at 30-40fps, when crysis 2 comes out next year GTS285 will almost be obsolete :(

Edited by kozary

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really? . i didnt realize the resolution meant that much. but i read that u should see around 10% its not quite that 10%

lol i supouse 10% is . all.


but the resolution shouldn't change the amount of performance increase should it, i thought it was a mixture of how much it had to render resolution other settings etc.


so basically thats nominal eh?



btw mate....gtx285 isnt that powerful it can barely run crysis warhead at 30-40fps, when crysis 2 comes out next year GTS285 will almost be obsolete :(


Haha...that's kinda funny. The GTX 285 is the fastest single GPU card on the market, and yes your resolution does make a difference. That card was meant to run at 1920x1280 resolutions, anything under that and you are under utilizing the card. If you game at 1280x1024 a single HD 4850 would suit your needs just fine.


BTW: Your CPU is probably bottle-necking that GTX 285 pretty bad. It's like buying a Ferrari and putting a speed limiter on it.

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Haha...that's kinda funny. The GTX 285 is the fastest single GPU card on the market, and yes your resolution does make a difference. That card was meant to run at 1920x1280 resolutions, anything under that and you are under utilizing the card. If you game at 1280x1024 a single HD 4850 would suit your needs just fine.


BTW: Your CPU is probably bottle-necking that GTX 285 pretty bad. It's like buying a Ferrari and putting a speed limiter on it.


LMAO i get your drift, and btw my CPU isnt bottle necking it checked no difference between 3 and 3.4ghz so thats kinda suss


and thanks for your reply about the fact its designed to run at a certain res, never would have guessed ^^


yeah but personally i think the GTX285 isnt that powerful. maybe something that sits 75fps flat in any game i would label powerful. but thats just me.


the GTX3** series will be powerful hopefully.


thanks once again :D





edit: this cpu was bottle-necking like a . until i OCed, max fps was 50 something after OC it was 80 something.

Edited by kozary

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LMAO i get your drift, and btw my CPU isnt bottle necking it checked no difference between 3 and 3.4ghz so thats kinda suss


You didn't notice a difference because even gaining 400MHz on the CPU, it's still a bottleneck. You'll need to get that CPU running around 3.8GHz+ before you start to notice any sort of difference.

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BTW: Your CPU is probably bottle-necking that GTX 285 pretty bad. It's like buying a Ferrari and putting a speed limiter on it.


At the resolution of 1280x1024 the cpu isnt bottlenecking it, but to use the GTX 285 all good etc and run like 1920x1080 then yes the CPU will bottleneck it very hard.

This makes me think of getting a hayabusa turbo and putting a 80mph limiter on it...

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At the resolution of 1280x1024 the cpu isnt bottlenecking it, but to use the GTX 285 all good etc and run like 1920x1080 then yes the CPU will bottleneck it very hard.

This makes me think of getting a hayabusa turbo and putting a 80mph limiter on it...


out of all the replies this was the best lmao


Once i get a new CPU cooler next week, ill run fps tests @ 1920x1080 with cpu @ stock 2.66 and at 3.66 to see whether its actually bottlenecking, i doubt it is.


i know that the CPU bottlenecks it at stock 2.66, but after 3ghz at that resolution theres no fps increase, going 400mhz extra was like 20-30fps increase (only in max fps so it dosent really make much of a difference)

Edited by kozary

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out of all the replies this was the only good one.


Once i get a new CPU cooler next week, ill run fps tests @ 1920x1080 with cpu @ stock 2.66 and at 3.66 to see whether its actually bottlenecking, i doubt it is.

if you are folding then I see no reason why you shouldn't clock up the shader core as high as it will go

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if you are folding then I see no reason why you shouldn't clock up the shader core as high as it will go



i dont think im folding, googled it something about how protein assemble themselves?

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i dont think im folding, googled it something about how protein assemble themselves?

ya just saying if you were, that'd be a good reason to OC your card. You could actually downclock it to your needs and be green :P

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