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Good grades = car


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Why the name change Waco?

I dunno. Everyone ends up calling me Waco anyway. :P


These are fair points, and I wouldn't really argue. I was merely combating the posts saying "you WILL wreck it", or the like. The stereotype that no young kid could possibly drive a car without killing it is simply weak. I knew plenty of kids that drove better at 16 than their parents did. Bad drivers come in all shapes, sizes, and AGES.

True. I've never been in an at-fault accident to date.

Edited by Waco

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To all you people who think kids need crap cars, all I can say is: :rolleyes:


None of my close friends in high school wrecked their cars or even damaged them in any significant way. Kids are not bad drivers (at least not by default). SOME kids can handle cars just fine from the day they get their license. LP, on the other hand.... Who knows? :unsure:

I bet 90% my friends were in wrecks. One managed to total 3 mustangs, we think his parents were trying to kill him. They bought him a mustang he wrecked it. They bought him a new one he wrecked that one, so they bought him a convertible, he flipped it, but he's okay. He was the worst driver ever.

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I can't speak towards yours or your friend's car driving ability, but that statement is a little ridiculous, IMO. I've never been behind the wheel in an accident and I've been driving for 12 years. Now, my car DID get over $5k in damage one time, but that was when a car slammed into it when it was parked on my street.


I live in the metro-Detroit area where cars are taken for granted and they're cheap since everyone and their brother works for the stupid car companies :lol: Anyways, probably at least 75% of my friends in high school had some sort of accident from fender-bender to totaling the car. One of my friends even had to be cut out with the jaws-of-life after he flipped his Jeep into a telephone pole and snapped the pole about 12 feet in the air (he got some air obviously). There's a bad habit of kids around here taking their cars to 2 of our major expressways and hitting 120+ MPH at night. We just have a lot of reckless kids that aren't the best drivers.

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Since he is paying for it, get something reliable. Something that will last you forever and can be your DD. A beater. Once you save up some cash go buy the car you REALLY want.


Also, I wouldn't say that you WILL get in a wreck. The first few years of driving it is probable. Just make sure you have full coverage. So even if you do something stupid, you don't have it coming out of your pocket.

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To all you people who think kids need crap cars, all I can say is: :rolleyes:


None of my close friends in high school wrecked their cars or even damaged them in any significant way. Kids are not bad drivers (at least not by default). SOME kids can handle cars just fine from the day they get their license. LP, on the other hand.... Who knows? :unsure:


Hey I've been driving for a few months with my restricted in a rather powerful car and not a single scratch or anything.

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a few months? i've been operating motorized vehicles in some manor since i was 3... and i got an 89 chrysler new yorker that everyone called a catty...don't ask me why. the first month i had it, i wrecked at 80mph (35mph zone) into a parked car because i was street racing. it was dumb and i have never raced on the street again. i sincerely doubt you're half the driver now as i was then. being confident tends to end your driving career quickly. i suggest you buy something cheap on fuel, american made (as parts will be found relatively cheap and you're supporting the country you live in), and well maintained.

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Hey I've been driving for a few months with my restricted in a rather powerful car and not a single scratch or anything.

Yeah, a few months experience is definitely all you need. <_<


In your mind, what is a "rather powerful car?"

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Yeah, a few months experience is definitely all you need. <_<


In your mind, what is a "rather powerful car?"


330 hp and 340 torque.


That's high for my around the block driving standards. For racing standards, that's low.

Edited by l33t p1mp

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I think a big old station wagon would be a great sell here. Just think you have all that wood paneling for added protection and if you hit something or someone hits you just take off the panel and you still have metal underneath. How could you go wrong with that setup. Lots of room, even room for the big trailer mirrors and the big old CB anntenna with the tennis ball on the end B:)


You want power some of those old wagons have some 454's in them, they might not be the fastest but they are loud as heck :lol:

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