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Oc Not Producing Much Gain


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i over clocked my q9550 from 2.83 to 3.4 and i didn't see much performance gain... anywhere... I'm assuming that I'm bottle necking q9550, Evga 750ftw, Evga 9800gtx+, 4gig corsair 5-5-5-18 pc 6400, 500 barracuda 7200.11 32mb. could someone point out my issue and give a cheaper solution

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Where were you looking to improve? Games or number crunching or what? You can always try out wprime with and without the OC and see your results, but if you're looking for visible performance gains in games, you likely wont see them. Most games now dont care how many cores or how fast your proc is, only how beefy your video card is. And with that setup, you probably already have fantastic performance, so slightly more fantastic will still appear as regular fantastic performance in most areas.

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