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Don't You Wish You Had This Tonight...


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I got the strange urge to OC my 805 Pentium D today, I've had it for awhile and it runs extra hot as I'm sure 90% of you already know. Well after a friendly wager with a friend that I cant get it an hour prime stable @ over 4Ghz tonight I went for it, 1hr later here I am 20 mins into testing and this time includes installing windows. (while it was OCed @ 3.2 I might add)


Here's the CPUz info.


Temps are high as I went overboard on the volts (actually I went down right crazy) but still cooler than many of the OEM systems with Pentium Ds I've used (btw it's in an original HP case with original HP cooler, just not the original G945 board :lol:)


I just wonder how far it will go :)


At least I wont be cold tonight.

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Codename: SmithField.

The Smith pointing out Smithfield :rolleyes:


I still think it should have been Codename: PileOfExtraHotCrap



The 805 was the only one that was a "sweet deal" and the easy OC is the only reason it was worth much, doesn't take much of a motherboard to run stock fsb for other CPUs of the time (800fsb) I just wish it could slap it with a P45, drop the multi and crank up the FSB to see how much that would have helped the old netburst dual cores. Oh well, I just need to swap out the cooler for something that doesn't go into jet engine mode and see what it'll do with a little more volts :)

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4.3 Seems to be pushing the limits on this board...if it wasn't so much trouble I might move it to the main rig for a day or two and see what a board that supports down right crazy volts (even for a Pentium D) and MUCH better power regulation can do. Of course if I could drop that 20x multi I might get more enjoyment out of it and some decent performance.


Either way it's been fun to play with. I just wish my ASUS P5B-E would boot with it :( Then I could see if there are better results without tearing down one of the better rigs. (The P5B-E actually has nothing in it atm and has been that way for some time now)

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you live very close to me lol, im in kannapolis and your right it is down right cold tonight, and good luck with the OC on that chip

Edited by wormy

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